Next Republic of Ireland Manager

I’d say only 2 of our squad were professional footballers the last time he managed anywhere. Moderate success is very kind, he was a disaster at Ipswich.

The rest of your reasons are nonsense. He’d be good for a few soundbites alright

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His contribution to the MON setup amounted to trousering money, standing on the sideline grumpily with arms folded, and falling out with players, even continuing to belittle these players in subsequent interviews and rentagob roadshows.

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He was far from a disaster at Ipswich

And getting to the euros where we were competing with Italy and France

Say what you like. He won a league. Thats a level of success very few managers reach. His team were rock bottom when he joined too. Sure look at moyes, who we’d all take in a flash, winni g his first ever trophyafter about 25 years of management, dancing like a loon.

What boxes do any other candidates tick though? Sure you could pick their records apart just as easily

They were about 8th or 9th when they sacked Jim Magilton in 2009. Roy led them on a slide down the table. They were just above the relegation zone when he was sacked after 18 months.

He did well with Sunderland to be fair but he was anything but a success at Ipswich. He’d be a Box Office appointment though and it would be tremendous fun.

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That’s far from A disaster in managerial terms.

In fact keanes a roaring success when you how few succeed in management.

Ipswich have been largely shit for 30 years. That didn’t change under Keane.

Keanes biggest weakness was transfers and he wouldn’t have to worry about that in charge of Ireland.

Mick McCarthy should be given a contract up to the end of the 2030 World Cup.


Id go Duff. No airs and graces. His managerial values are very evident from his shels team. Work like dogs and horrible to play against. Exactly what ireland need. And hed get much more respect than spock because of his own playing record. And he has no problem telking the media to fuck off.


The only thing Roy Keane has going for him, in reality, is that he was a brilliant, brilliant player.

Maybe the best player we ever produced. And he is funny.

And maybe that’s enough for some people but there is nothing on his managerial CV that would have him remotely in the conversation if he didn’t have that name.

I wouldn’t touch him tbh; we have limited playing resources; at the very minimum, we need someone who has a track record of setting up teams and getting the best out of limited players.

Thankfully, I would say he is way too expensive for us.

Mick McCarthy had them back in the championship play-off semi-finals with more meagre funds just a couple of years later.

Was that before or after they ended up in league one

I’d still push for ole Gunnar solskjaer. He’d take it too I reckon.

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I’m convinced every single manager is good till they’re shite bar around three and some people are still convinced they’re shite. As you said Keane would be good craic sign him up to fuck. Penis sagnol me bollox.

I would have managing a team in the last 13 years as a prerequisite anyway. Keane wasn’t tactically good enough in 2011, have you seen much from him since to suggest he has become a deep thinker on that side of the game?

You talk about having the respect of the players, do you really think what our young players need is some psycho berating them?

Keane will sell tickets and generate plenty of media coverage and social media interaction
In short he’s BOX OFFICE

I’ll reserve judgement until I see what “Gav” and “Ken” have to say

We want to do better than we did under Kenny, ideally.

We might as well just give it to O’Shea if we just want to throw it to whoever turns up.

I would definitely take OGS but I doubt we could afford him or that he would have much interest