Non-Irish Murders

if the facts as reported took place in Ireland he would be done for murder based on evidence I heard but seems like guns and use of guns over in SA is much more a fact of life and there are real concerns over safety

Interesting stuff I read was his story as to what happened on the night stacked up forensically in terms of where he fired from etc so he couldn’t have made that up on the spot and told the truth

His mental state was always difficult to prove - here a jury would just say he lost his temper and shot down the door but we are judging it based on different societal norms

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1015587, member: 2272”]if the facts as reported took place in Ireland he would be done for murder based on evidence I heard but seems like guns and use of guns over in SA is much more a fact of life and there are real concerns over safety

Interesting stuff I read was his story as to what happened on the night stacked up forensically in terms of where he fired from etc so he couldn’t have made that up on the spot and told the truth

His mental state was always difficult to prove - here a jury would just say he lost his temper and shot down the door but we are judging it based on different societal norms[/QUOTE]
Of course he lost his temper and shot down the door. Premeditated? I doubt it, but can’t believe he got off on murder 2 charge/manslaughter.
He is a fucking psycho.
Let the SAfricans idolise him. They practically gave Hanse cronje a state funeral, even though as captain of the country, he threw games and took money to do so. They have an odd national psyche. I’d imagine the major sponsors will desert him and his golden life is over. Not much consolation to the beauty queen who had her face blown off in his bathroom locked from the inside.
I hope he gets the full fifteen years, but given that the judge quite clearly has been swayed by the most facile of defence arguments, I doubt it.
Iirc, he hasn’t actually done any jail time at all.
If he does, it will be easy jail time.
I would imagine that to most right thinking people, he will be a pariah.

Peter Barlow wrongly convicted of murder.

Well what did she expect was going to happen? Poor ol Oscar, he’ll get plenty of sex now at least.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1036972, member: 180”]Well what did she expect was going to happen? Poor ol Oscar, he’ll get plenty of sex now at least.[/QUOTE]

Trouble getting the leg over

Wahey :slight_smile:

Strange one from hong kong

Oscar Pistorius has had his sentence increased from 6 years to 13 and 5/12 years


A walk in the park for him…

Walter Mitty will have a hard time getting out of this one.

a murderous mrs miggins

I was watching a documentary on YouTube recently in the Jon Benet Ramsey case in the US from 1996.

I had heard of the case but wasn’t fully aware of the details.

She was 6 years of age and a beauty pageant winner. She was found in the basement of her home with a strangling device around her neck, a sizable head wound and she had been sexually assaulted.

A ransom note was found near her body.

The cops appeared to immediately focus on the parents even though there was no physical evidence to link them to it. They leaked vile information to the press such as that the parents were part of a paedophile ring and that Jon Benet was whored around. They hoped the parents would confess. They didn’t. So the cops leaked more and more stuff to the point that TV were carrying shows which outright named the parents as teh killers.

It turns out that there is massive evidence to suggest that it was an intruder that killed her and this has all been suppressed by the cops. In fact they have gone to court to stop alternative evidence being supplied to the grand jury.

Over 22 years later and no one has been convicted for the murder. The mother died of ovarian cancer recently with people still giving her abuse in the street for killing her daughter.

Not sure why this is making headlines everywhere today. No offence to the girl but it sounds like the boyfriend just got sick of her and killed her.

I assume it is because she’s a good looking white girl?

Couldn’t understand how it was the 3rd item on the journal news feed this morning.

There is some body cam footage from a police officer who seems to have been responding to reports of a woman in distress a couple of days before she went missing.

She was a moderately famous instagrammer and I believe there’s some podcast series about the case that’s got a huge following.

My sister gave me the lowdown at the weekend.

Moderately famous instagrammer, travelling across the country with the boyfriend.
Next thing the insta posts go quiet.
Family can’t contact her which is unusual.
A post goes up but it’s just generic pics of her and the boyfriend and they could be anywhere.
A post goes up tagging them in a National park way off the path they were supposed to be on. The family get a text saying coverage is bad here and she’ll call them in a few days.
Then silence.
Her family still can’t get in contact, speak with police. They search but no sign of either. Word is out now, people are looking for them.
They ask police in Florida to get in touch with his family. They say speak to my attorney. They call to the house. Turns out the boyfriend is below in Florida with his parents and has been for a few days and has the truck they were driving in. Refuses to answer any questions.

Definitely did it. Not even in question


The boyfriend has gone ‘missing’ himself the last few days according to his family.

Wonder is fucking her out of the car in the middle of nowhere and fucking off tantamount to gross negligence?