Non-Irish Murders

keep your giant hook nose out of this

This is hilarious.

Why does Foley always have to bring posts from other forums into his argument?

On a more serious notes the prosecution seem to have made an awful mess of things today.

The detective testifying today asserted there were steroids found at his house but had to backtrack from that under cross-examination.

She also told of witnesses who overheard a fight between the couple but then conceded the witnesses were 600m away and didn’t identify the voices involved… She then revised that back down to 300m.

The cops found bullets at the scene that didn’t belong to Pistorius’ gun but have made no enquiries to find out where they came from.

They also seem to have made a mess of the crime scene, missing a bullet, missing a phone and not protecting it properly.

seriously, what part of keep your massive fucking bland hook nose out of this are you failing to comprehend ?

Typical pigs…

[quote=“Rocko, post: 739427, member: 1”]On a more serious notes the prosecution seem to have made an awful mess of things today.

The detective testifying today asserted there were steroids found at his house but had to backtrack from that under cross-examination.

She also told of witnesses who overheard a fight between the couple but then conceded the witnesses were 600m away and didn’t identify the voices involved… She then revised that back down to 300m.

The cops found bullets at the scene that didn’t belong to Pistorius’ gun but have made no enquiries to find out where they came from.

They also seem to have made a mess of the crime scene, missing a bullet, missing a phone and not protecting it properly.[/quote]

Rocko’s summary was as shoddy as the police investigation. The detective today was a “he” and not a “she”.

It’s an open forum. If you don’t like what I have to say then go post on one of the other forums you constantly reference here.

From the country that produced Caster Semenya nothing is certain.

god youre a boring, repetitive, big nosed, bland twat

Turns out this chief prosecuting detective guy is up in court on May for seven attempted murder charges. Something to do with a drunken shooting.

Yeah, BBC world service reporting from Pretoria this morning also said that he walked into the crime scene in Oscar’s gaff not wearing any shoe covers as there was none available, the cops sound like a complete lemonade stand operation altogether, oscar’s defense are saying that this type of shoddy police work is going to compromise the forensics, im not sure what use any forensics will be really as the main suspect has already admitted the crime.
they have confirmed that Reeva’s bladder was empty so therefore she was after completing taking a piss when she was shot, this matches oscar’s story that she was in the bathroom at the time of the execution, the stories of neighbours hearing shouting as well have been destroyed as apparently the nearest neighbour’s are 600m from his house and they could not accurately determine the shouting was coming from oscar and reeva
it is also indeed strange that a bail hearing is now almost being carried out like a trial, the defense made shit of the cops yesterday by saying they had no evidence whatsover as of yet to contradict what oscar was saying,
its a fucking weird state of affairs, oscar is saying that he killed her, but now its like as if it’s ok that he killed her, they all are in agreement and now he is trying to get bail until the trial starts which is even more absurd,
SA also has a very low murder convivtion rate, i dont have the stats at hand put based on what we have seen so far , i think we know why

the shooting the cop was involved in was in a township i belive, the value of human life in those places is not exactly that high and shootings are very common, if they cant convict oscar of this i’s surely nigh on impossible to convict a cop of a drunken shooting in some black ghetto

The SA police are like a carry on film, a shambles of an organisation

It’s the OJ Simpson trial all over again.

Well he always wanted to be treated just like able bodied sports people…

What are his chances of making the next olympics?

wonder what dennis fung is doing now?

SA seems like great craic for athletes. They are now best known for producing she/she/it/something or other Caster ‘my balls are too big for my knickers’ SEMENya, Oscar ‘I have no legs but it won’t stop me killing my girlfriend and agreeing that I won’t run away with my legs’ Pistorious and Zola ‘Hey I might be British so don’t get in my way’ Budd.

They have a few rugby players as well I think.

They should give him the pistol and allow him the honour of starting the races.

Rocko, can you bring back the guns smiley please?

[quote=“croppy_boy, post: 739738, member: 306”]SA seems like great craic for athletes. They are now best known for producing she/she/it/something or other Caster ‘my balls are too big for my knickers’ SEMENya, Oscar ‘I have no legs but it won’t stop me killing my girlfriend and agreeing that I won’t run away with my legs’ Pistorious and Zola ‘Hey I might be British so don’t get in my way Budd’.

They have a few rugby players as well I think.[/quote]

yes, i understand rugby football is practised there so it stands to reason that they would have a few rugby players

thats an atrocious post by Croppy Boy, what a fucking simpleton