Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

So “lunatic lefty” is a cliche but “insane right wing ideology” isn’t? I’m not in the slightest extreme, my politics are left of center on social issues and right of center on economic issues. Relative to my centrist position you are extreme left.
My personal opinion is Europe by and large has been too tolerant of extreme Muslim ideology in an effort to be seen to be inclusive and politically correct. There should be zero tolerance for ideology that spreads hate. Opposing such ideology is not hate speech, only delusional extreme lefties make that argument.
You simply can’t say Christianity and Judaism today are the same as Islam in terms of ideology and the influence they have over their populations. The great majority of non Muslims in western societies pay lip service to religion or have abandoned it. Even in Israel the majority nowadays are agnostic atheists.

I’d say you’d kill for a head of hair like Trumps.


I’m not here to defend Trump, nor do I agree with him on restricting travel into the US by Muslims, and if he wins the Republican nomination I certainly wouldn’t vote for him. Most people in the US are center right, including Democrats. What you are seeing with the support for Trump is a lurch to the right, nothing to do with Muslims or Mexicans for that matter, people are just fed up of both parties and are fearful and angry about the direction the country has taken.

Saying there’s a good argument to be made for banning Islam (not fundamentalist Islam, all Islam, because that’s what you said) is not a centrist position, it’s a far, far-right position, about as extreme right as it gets. It fully deserves to classed as insane.

It doesn’t even begin to touch on how you’d put such a law into practice, an utterly absurd notion in and of itself, nor does it even begin to address the inevitable unintended consequences of such a law, and shows a profound ignorance of history.

I’m sure you’re familiar with this quote by Martin Niemoller.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

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Trump is a racist, lowest common denominator demagogue who plays to the most base fears of white trash, which the Republicans have done for over 50 years now.

The “direction the country has taken” you speak of that people “are fearful and angry” about has everything to do with race. A large section of white society in the US still pines for the days of segregation and the white man holding the whip hand. The reaction to Obama becoming President amongst these people tells you everything you need to know. Trump is at least honest in his shameless targetting of this constituency.


Who’s talking about coming for anyone or locking anyone up? Lefties are such exaggerators, able to take nothing in context. I know banning ideas is problematic, in fact it can’t be done, and shouldn’t be done… but, religion is a lot more than an idea though, is a meme that has permeated human culture. It’s not just Islam I agree, its not that long ago Christianity was almost as bad. But the point is that Islam is the only ideology today that can openly preach hatred to large groups of people, whole generations even. Time to make serious attempts to rid the human race of the ideology (not the people note), its simply poisonous. For some reason seemingly intelligent and rational people have problems confronting it.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Your view of the US is about 25 years out of date. Trump’s views are shared by a lot of Democrats, you simply don’t understand American politics. There’s a sizable population of voters that will shift party allegiance depending on the candidate, I would have no problem voting Democrat or Republican. The anger and fear has nothing to do with race, the country is very integrated race wise, compared to France lets say. All middle class voters are struggling due to the moronic implementation of Obamacare, and how uncompetitive the US has become. It was obvious about 20 years ago that corporate taxes were too high, but politicians of both parties were content to see corporations move elsewhere as long as they kept donating. The problems are economic, not social, and effect all working people regardless of race. Of course there are white racists, but they are inconsequential in states that will decide the election.

Somehow, opposing hate speech is hate speech. Strange word we live in.

He loves freedom though. A freedom loving extreme right supremacist hypocrite.

:rollseyes: idiot


What a man. He’s got my vote.

A man with a plan

In answer to your initial question, you are, seeing as you’re talking about banning Islam.

The context of your remarks is quite clear - it’s a hyper-emotional, knee-jerk, reactionary, response to a couple of terrorist attacks, ie. the exact sort of response that needs to be avoided.

You talk about left-wing people such as myself exaggerating things. Again, you’re guilty of the exact same thing you erroneously accuse others of.

Nobody has said radical Islamism isn’t a problem or that it shouldn’t be confronted. It’s just that some of us have actually studied history and understand that rectionary responses which are essentially fuelled by emotion, fear and hatred don’t solve anything, they make problems a hundred times worse than any problem which currently exists.

It’s abundantly clear that you have no such understanding.

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Be fucked if Id pay for it though

Glas has refused to condemn ISIS, say they are evil or should be stopped. He cant because they arent white, therefore if he condemns them deep down he believes he’s being racist.

Labane isnt suggesting genocide, this is an ideological conflict after all, im not sure how you confront it. In this Internet age you cant ban any sort of speach, or drive it underground even. What can be done? If the actions of islamic extremists are reactions for western attacks and even influence in their lands thats one thing, understandable even. But if they are motivated by a desire to spread sharia law and dominate the world with that racist medieval ideology then its hard to see how a measured approach will work. In a way, is this conflict not actually performing a service that would otherwise be impossible, weeding out the violent psychotic islamists by getting them to go to ISIS. It would be an impossible task otherwise if they remained in their countries as small cells.

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I bet Glas is the kind of guy who guys round calling referring to people as “whitey” and “cracker”.

You would swear reading Glas and Sidney that I was in favor of branding Muslims or herding them into concentration camps. It’s the normal blinkered response you get from the extreme left who are all about standing up for the rights of every lunatic fringe group, but couldn’t give a shit when these nutcases want to impose their delusional beliefs on others.

The problem with muslim ideology is there is no way to separate Islam from Shariah law. In every country where Muslims gain absolute power Shariah is imposed on everyone, regardless of their religion or lack thereof (Eqypt ,Saudi, Iran, Pakistan, Qatar, etc). In democratic countries where Muslims are in the majority, Shariah law is still common and family law is always Shariah. My belief is that no civilized country should allow a faith based ideology influence their legal system, I have zero tolerance for it.That’s what I mean when I say ban Islam, but that subtlety would be lost of the navel gazers. That is a moderate position, not right wing or left wing (its interesting the lefties squeal about religious intolerance, given that extreme left wing regimes were the most oppressive towards religion).

As for religious practice, I couldn’t give a shit what people want to do on an individual level, walk around buildings all day, lie on floors all day, flagellate themselves all day, whatever the fuck turns people on. The line is crossed when it comes to interfering with western secular legal systems. Sorry chaps, we don’t allow wife beating, raping children not at the age of consent, stoning women to death, hanging homosexuals, cutting off limbs, that sort of thing. You simply have to give up that shitology if you want to live in our societies.

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