NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

This is also true. That Carrie Symonds one isn’t an enemy you’d want.

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Ignoring the free man/woman nonsense the number of police at the scene of this seems OTT. You’d hardly get that called to any other non violent crime

Coming soon to a lockdown near you

Joe is our saviour

Edit Wrong Fred


New Zealand’s approach appears to have been the correct call after all. Minimal fatalities, 40,000 at sports grounds and a vaccine on the way. Tourism to bounce back within the year.

They’ve even legalised euthanasia to get the mentallers on board.


Look who the cat dragged in.

You’re still mental but I’ve given it a like because of returning to the fold with your resolve unbowed.


Back for the victory lap I see :clap: :clap:


All we need to do is reposition the country thousands of miles away from the nearest landmass. It’s that simple but watch as Leo still does nuhin

Welcome back mate, the pro lockdown crew have taken an awful beating in your absense.

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The only absentee poster in recent weeks who was truly missed :clap:

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@mikehunt waited under the bed for six months until enough people had died in Sweden.

Welcome back pal.


God they must be going SO much worse than all the lockdown nations?

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There should be a zinger about NZ shortly