NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

@Dziekanowski is going to implode when he reads this.

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This guy was definitely ready

That clip of the reporter asking Trump why he keeps calling it the Chinese virus is actually fantastic. :joy:

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Dear Lord we are all gonna die

It’s from Chi-na


Chi-naaa (angry face)
I’d say that ones days of asking Trump questions are numbered but she’ll get carried out on her shield at least, not like most of them


As Colonel Kurtz said " Nuke em all"

If Trump wanted for once in his life to do something worthwhile he could drop sanctions on Iran right now.

US up to 14,265 cases. :astonished:

5,006 today. They’ll pass Italy for daily cases tomorrow.


Trump is a lot more interested in suppressing unemployment figures than in suppressing COVID-19.

Well, it looks like we’re going to see what an unintentional headlong drive for herd immunity looks like in practice.

The US is riddled. They are much further along the curve than that I’d say.

It came from CHI-NA

281k total unemployed or just new cases?
Still. Puts our total of 50 to 100k who lost their jobs this week in perspective :grimacing::weary:

The greatest WUM of them all. :clap:

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I think maybe these World War II analogies should stop because the Brits seem to be taking them literally.

Yer woman definitely voted for Boris Johnson.

Allison Pearson is a vile Daily Telegraph columnist and one of the most dangerous Tory disinformation and propaganda merchants in the UK press. But everybody becomes a socialist when their family is affected.

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