NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Allison Pearson used to write for the London Independent and used to be a pundit on one of those arts shows on BBC2. I had high hopes for her. Then as you say she mutated into a vile Tory cunt writing for the Telegraph.

Follow the money.

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I don’t want or expect any credit for pointing out the obvious. Seems beyond Johnson to understand this stuff though.

Sad but true.

Yet FFG haven’t banned flights?

The Brits are not taking this seriously at all. From talking to people working over there they are completely baffled as to why such a big deal is being made of it.
They are fucked

Completely. It’s a total shit show.



Army being deployed down to London tomorrow apparently.

pray for us, if the supermarkets are anything to go by, we are fucked

21 year maximo prison sentence in Italy for anyone caught breaking quarantine. A murder sentence.

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This cunt.


They’re waiting for the shout from @Batigol. But if he does give the order he’ll be at home with the missus so we need to take that into account.

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People like @ChairmanDan will always want to get their ale and hurl abuse at immigrants, regardless of a global pandemic.


AP was married to Anthony Lane, one of the smartest critics in the world, a splice that always surprised me.

She is verging on GO’D territory.

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Everyone is under pressure, they need a pass. I’m managing a big team of people. i trot out they usual positive shite on every phone call and email but I am very close to a complete breakdown myself


You’d get the heebie jeebies looking at them still packed into the underground this morning. Whatever about ourselves I think they are going to get an awful land over in the UK in the coming weeks.

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America is utterly fucked. They are living in an age of unenlightenment, or disenlightment.