NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You rat.

I was being sarcastic mate, if it escaped you.

Are bats not the main problem here? SARS, MERS, Ebola, the Nipah virus and COVID-19 all originated in bats.

I suppose you can’t wage a racist campaign of vilification against bats, so the Chinese will have to do.

It didn’t appear as if you were being particularly sarcastic. If you were trying to be, you must do better.


Christ indeed

There is going to be a dangerous amount of anger around after this and it isnt going to be directed at bats.

We’ll more than likely see a global conflict

there’ll be no war, people will be more worried about living, just existing. China should be nuked though.

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Are you as dumb as this sounds? Trump banned travel from China at the end of January. What other western countries took action then?

You appear to have as bad a case of Trump derangement syndrome as Sid. Pathetic.

It originated in China and due to China suppressing information it spread throughout and outside China.

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Yes, apologies. It had spread to all regions of China by then and the only travel restrictions were from Wuhan.

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do people need to stop having sex? even couples?

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It depends which way that anger is directed. I am hopeful it will be directed against political, media and corporate charlatans and the crazy culture of rejection of expertise, rejection of science and rejection of truth they have built up.

As a species we urgently need to come to our senses. COVID-19 will be a global catastrophe, but it will be an opportunity for humanity to take stock of where we really are.

This crisis is the chance for the world to embrace a radical green, progressive politics which takes on the great global challenges - the man made destruction of the climate, wealth inequality, unequal access to healthcare, the problem of the rejection of scientific expertise. It’s probably the final chance to do so. And it will involve far more international co-operation, not less, like the political charlatans want.

The UK Labour manifestos of 2017 and 2019 and the programmes of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren need to become a sort of baseline for global politics. It doesn’t matter who drives them. It’s what’s in them that matters.

There is a big danger that scumbags like Trump and Johnson will use this crisis to try and bring in Chinese style mass surveillance on a permanent basis. Any legislation that is passed must be temporary and be forced to be renewed on a regular basis, to run out automatically when the crisis is over.

Solo sex is probably the safest for now.

Quite the opposite. The planet will need repopulating.

There was a school of thought previously that Boris was putting on the bumbling idiot act to endear himself to casual observers of politics. cc @balbec, @Tim_Riggins etc I don’t think there’s any doubt about it anymore that he is in fact a complete and utter bumbling fucking idiot

Lads on here are masturbating so much they are faking orgasms doing it.

Trump’s timeline

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