NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


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778 deaths in UK Hospitals

Dominic Raab will announce on Thursday that the UK will be under lockdown for at least another 3 weeks until May 7th.

Tip of the iceberg. The nursing home thing could bring down the government when the scale of it is realised.

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A mess.

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Sounds like he’s already announced it

Will that info get out?

I’d say it will. We’ll probably never know the true extent but a combination of an organised opposition in Westminister and good investigative journalism will lead to a few whistleblowers coming forward and will blow the thing wide open

The Republican party is the apex predator of international kleptocracy.

They’re almost like James bond baddies :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

New York’s death toll has been bumped up by 3,700.

Civil war territory

If trump keeps this up he could piss off cuomo so much he’ll run for president.

And that’s exactly what Russia wants.

@anon7035031 what type of thing relating to the Corona virus would be a body blow for trump and either ruin his re election bid or cause it serious damage? Presume the likes of deaths spiralling in ny is no harm to him as he was never going to win there anyway and hell just blame cuomo.

The governors will ignore him and do things when they think appropriate.

It’s hard to see any scenario now where he will win in November, unless there’s a vaccine or really effective treatment rolled out in the next few months and the economy comes roaring back. It’s Biden’s to lose if he can avoid self destructing.

He’s gone off the reservation

He’s always been off the reservation. One of the main reasons people voted for him was a vote against Washington DC, there’s a lot of resentment against government in general.