NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I think he was hiding the full crazy for a while and now hes just said fuck it and gone full batshit crazy

He’s been the same since day 1. It’s just he’s on TV for hours every day now, and the septic relationship he has always had with the media has turned into open warfare. It plays to his base but won’t win him many undecided or neutral voters.

It’s very easy to see a situation where Trump “wins” in November. If the virus means there are still restrictions on movement in November, and that looks very possible, voting by mail becomes an issue. Trump realises this and is trying to destroy the US postal service so it won’t be fit for purpose. An election carried out by mail would be a nightmare for him because it could render null and void his voter suppression efforts. What will likely happen is that Republicans at state level will ensure Republican areas can vote by mail and Demcoratic voting areas can’t. Then there’s the smear campaigns against Biden which will massively ramp up. He’ll be portrayed a corrupt, senile commumist sex abuser and paedophile. This allegation by a former staffer doesn’t pass the smell test at all and looks a classic Russian style set up, and what the complainant has written about Russia and Putin in the recent past is a massive, massive red flag. Trump is now in the position Putin is in in Russia. He has to stay in power, otherwise he faces losing his freedom, his money and possibly even his life. He will do everything he can to rig the election, right up to hacking the actual voting machines to falsify results. I desperately want to be wrong about this, but that’s the way it strongly looks at the moment. I expect it’ll be a Putin-esque election. Biden will certainly have more actual support, but that probably won’t mean anything.

I don’t know. Sleepy Joe is an awful clown

Trump is still bookies favourite though?

Full crazy was there right from the start. Some people saw it as full crazy right from the start, some didn’t.

This guy is an enemy of the US and an enemy of humanity.

To be honest, I avoid american news like covid 19. I’ve only really seen his shit acting since this thing started. An abomination

It’s sort of irrelevant as gambling on political outcomes is illegal in the US. You’ll see odds quoted online, but they mean nothing in reality.

I was quoting powers. They’d surely have their due diligence done as there’s fuck all else to be gambling on!

Normalisation is a huge part of the problem. A lot of people have attempted to see Trump the lens of “normal”, when it was anything but.

It’s not even normal by comparison with Bush, and what happened then was far outside normal too.

There’s a simple truth at the heart of US politics. The Republican party is inherently evil and will do anything to get what it wants. The Democrats are mainly impotent, divided and useless. Understand that and things make a lot more sense.

As a pundit said recently, how did we get to the point where the choice for president is between a racist demented right-wing authoritarian warmongering rapist and a racist demented right-wing authoritarian warmongering rapist.

It’s fascinating to watch progressive Democrats now attacking the woman who has accused Biden of digitally raping her. Up to now it was all women who come froward must be believed, now it’s all of them except lying cunts who accuse the Democratic nominee.

You’re running? Both of your split personalities?

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Does that mean he has 4 personalities?

Trump to announce the open it up ta fuck plan shortly, on the same day the US has hit 2,214 deaths and we have half the day to go yet. This should be required watching.

Africa was much better prepared for a pandemic than the US.

Where can I tune in to this trump presser?

CNN now.

Your house is probably the cosiest and obvious option.


Do sky carry that channel? Or do I need to get off my derriere and turn on the dodgy box?

Sky 506

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