NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

One minute in and he’s going after Chi-na like nobody can believe

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Jaysus, he’s going on like nobody has died in the states!


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Some feat by the Don, no one dying from a lack of ventilators in the US, unlike a couple of the tinpot European countries

So what have the 25000+ people in the US died from?

Not from a lack of ventilators clearly.

Pneumonia and ventilators killing them in some cases.

CNN obsessed with what Trump said in January. FFS he just did a complete u-turn on what he said yesterday re the governors.

The Chi-na virus

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Woo-han Lab.

Jimmy G saved San Francisco, and possibly my life.

The French people won’t take much more

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Had to laugh at Trump saying that the US wouldn’t pay for the WHO in the future, as if the cheap cunts are paying for it now.

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Trump is an absolute shitshow for public health.

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You’ve backed this and can’t stop telling us. Wait for it…