NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Nope I haven’t. I missed the price. I was considering it but labane and Johnny sacks put me off.

Lies. The US is the largest contributor to the WHO. Over the two year period 2018-2019, the WHO budget was $4.422 billion (you’d think they could afford a trip to Wuhan in early January). The US contribution varies per year, but on average it’s about $350 million a year for the past decade, or over 15% of the annual WHO budget. China contributes less than $100 million a year, while doing the most to try and wipe out humanity.

Carry on.

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But the US is far from providing the majority of the WHO’s funds, as Trump claimed, and its voluntary contributions have largely been tied to specific projects. WHO’s total annual budget is about $2.5bn, and contributions from member states have not significantly increased over three decades.

Ah Esteban. You’re asking us to choose between @anon7035031 and the Guardian as sources of information? Say it ain’t so…

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Read the claim that I responded to. The US is the largest contributor to the WHO, even the article you posted says that and also says China contributes a paltry amount.

Your constant defense of the communist regime in China and the useless communist fuck running the WHO is very telling, total head in the sane stuff.

I didnt post any opinion with the article. Relax yourself

Here’s a source that’s better than both.

Posting an article that praises the WHO for their response to this health crisis is an opinion. Why would you post it otherwise?


Well, at least you have admitted it’s an opinion.

Do you believe the CCP and the WHO bear any responsibility for this pandemic?

How about this statement on February 4th from the head of the WHO. 22 countries had already imposed travel bans or were considering travel bans, and he came out against travel bans. Keep in mind that the areas that stopped travel from Wuhan the earliest did far better in containing the outbreak, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore.

I didnt pass an opinion on the piece.

What’s your opinion of the head of the WHO coming out against travel bans in early February? Keep in mind that his predecessor during the SARS outbreak supported travel bans.

My opinion is that was a mistake. That was my opinion when I stated Ireland should impose travel bans in early march was met by derision here because of the economic impact.

I’m of the opinion you have an agenda against the WHO, you’re condemning them for taking a decision based on economic damage limitation, while simultaneously looking to repeat that mistake while arguing to reduce measures to limit economic damage

The WHO point on travel bans was because they believed they didn’t work.

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They don’t work, because of the crippling economic impact and numerous other reasons.The WHO weren’t flying solo

The mistake I’m referring to is specific to Ireland. We have no land borders and could have mitigated significantly with travel restrictions in early March, like New Zealand. I get why we didnt also

Logically you’d think travel bans would lessen the impact, but everything about this virus is counter logical USA banned Chinese travel and that didn’t work out great. I don’t know why

I have no agenda against the WHO, I simply believe their current leadership is incompetent. I would actually like to see much higher funding for the WHO.

Read the statement “Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit”. It says nothing about the economy, nor should it as the mission of the WHO is health not the economy. Little public benefit from limiting travel from infected areas? How could anyone take that statement seriously?

Restricting travel from Wuhan was the only way to prevent this pandemic, the WHO should have been calling for it from January 7th when they were aware this was a SARS virus. The reason they didn’t is because they didn’t want to offend the Chinese Communist Party, hence the word “stigma” in their statement, which is directly from CCP propaganda.

I’m just pointing out why the WHO advised that. Economics wasn’t the reason.

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The US bans were too late and too limited. The countries/areas who did it right were Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Kong Kong, New Zealand, etc.

Arguing against travel bans is arguing for global herd immunity.

Its counter intuitive isn’t it. Arguing for them and simultaneously arguing for economic damage limitation is also counter intuitive

Its logical to assume that if the travel bans were imposed before anyone got out of Wuhan then it could have been stopped.

It’s also logical to assume when it had already spread that travel bans were counter productive for the reasons outlined in the Forbes article.

I was derided on here for suggesting it in early march

The only hope to stop a pandemic is to stop it at source. This opportunity was in December and early January when it could have been contained in Wuhan. The reason it wasn’t contained was CCP incompetence and cover up, and a weak WHO who didn’t act aggressively because they didn’t want to offend the CCP. During the SARS outbreak in 2002 the then head of the WHO had no problem offending the CCP.

You can’t accept these basis facts because you are a communist sympathizer, and won’t hear of any criticism of the CCP or the WHO (which is led by a communist).