NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Your other half would be proud of that one

*Just insert fascist a few times instead


Except I don’t defend fascists (actual ones, not pretend ones). The CCP are an actual fascist regime, or the word has no meaning.

Twas scary alright

New York to mandate wearing a mask in public.

Whatever about the rest, you actually believe this?

That’s pretty much Chi - na, mate. Slow down there.

Sorry if it offends you mate. These SARS type viruses have the potential to wipe out humanity, if the right combination of incubation period and mortality comes along. China are the only country who have a track record of covering up such outbreaks, and have not changed their behavior since 2002.

If that doesn’t concern you, fair enough.

It’s not about whether it offends me or not, it doesn’t by the way. It’s about whether you actually believe that Chi-na is trying to wipe out humanity.

I said they were doing the most, not trying the most. I’m not suggesting they are deliberately starting pandemics, but they are essentially playing Russian roulette and it’s only a matter of time before the big one happens.

They simply have to be forced to be open and transparent, if CDC or WHO scientists had been allowed in at the beginning of this outbreak, it could have been stopped at source.


trying the most to try and wipe out humanity

“So doing the most to try” and “trying the most to try” are completely different.

OK with that level of semantics, I’m out.

Ok, semantics aside I’m not accusing China of deliberately starting a pandemic.

Fair enough. That’s all I was hoping for.

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No sports or concerts in LA until 2021.

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Social distancing is the new normal


You’d be in disagreement woh any public health expert worth listening to. Dunning-Krugerman strikes again.

American fascism #264229383

Trump is on one here.

Trump wants baseball season to start and LA are banning sports until 2021.

Plans for some states to open up before May 1st being announced tomorrow. Mad scenes in Michigan today. I dont think people in America will tolerate a uniform lockdown and will literally take to the streets.

And they are armed to the teeth