NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Seems a bit premature to announce that until January.

The Rams have just announced they’re moving back to St. Louis.

This isn’t a good look for Chris Cuomo, brother of Andrew Cuomo and CNN anchor. Chris has previous for being an Italian hothead, threatening to beat up randomers who approach him.

and then there’s this…

What am I missing here pal . ???

On CNN every night broadcasting from the basement of his house in New York, suffering from COVID-19 and in self quarantine to protect his family. If the 65 year old on the bike is to be believed he was outside with his family and others, and verbally abused said cyclist who questioned why he wasn’t self quarantining.

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I wouldn’t normally link Fox News, but this is the news report Trump was asked about today. There’s not much new in there, Washington Post broke the main story yesterday.

Something that has bothered me for months is why were the numbers reported in Wuhan for infected and deaths so low until the end of January when the central CCP came in and shut down the city. This is totally at odds with what we have seen elsewhere when the virus started spreading rapidly and we know it started spreading in Wuhan in mid November. Look at Italy ffs from early march onwards.

I found the answer. They only counted cases that they could trace to the wet market, all other pneumonia related illnesses and deaths in Wuhan were ignored. They were only counting a tiny fraction of the actual number of cases and deaths.

The virus did not originate in the wet market in December, it originated elsewhere in mid November or earlier. Maybe @Thomas_Brady is to be believed that he had it in August 2019.

Belgian approach to lockdown contravention

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We could start a thread now on all the Nationalities you are racist against.

Whatever rationality the head of the WHO is.
Italian Americans

Am I missing a few more?

The only people I am marginally racist against are thick Tipperary cunts like yourself, that can’t spell for shit and can’t count beyond their twelve toes.

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Listen bucko.

You’ve gone from China doing a master job containing the spread & getting numbers down to now saying they are liars.

The WHO are apparently a pack of fools.

At no point is the Face Mask President at fault though.

Seriously? This completely trashes every single bit of reporting that cnn have done on the situation.
Balance, just saying, just asking questions (unless, of course they are for the president)

The WHO are complicit in helping China escape any criticism for this virus and the effect it has had on the entire world. Its their duty to be the opposite.

But by all means keep giving them 800m dollars a year.


I think with the WHO it was an act of appeasement towards China. They didn’t want to put their noses out of joint and probably thought the Chinese could contain it themselves before it became a pandemic. Putting all your eggs in the CCP basket was never going to be the smartest play. Sadly for the WHO it has been an exercise in politicking ever since. They wont be held accountable because Trump is the story now and if anything will probably garner public sympathy.


Everyone is terrified of China including the u.s and thats the crux of the matter. Trump for about five minutes started calling it a Chinese virus and he wasn’t long in shutting up. I haven’t heard him say it since.

It’s highly unlikely China will ever truly come clean on what really happened and with trump terrified to blame them Who were always going to have to take the fall. I think most other countries don’t take trump seriously and would have a similar view on what happened.


The WHO would have needed irrefutable evidence to lay blame at China’s door.

The bottom line is they kept people informed, led examples of best practice to slow the spread.

Lads, taking the Dons lead here in trying to lay blame at the WHO door need a good long look in the mirror. Or perhaps waking up from the fog.


David has a lovely twitter feed. This is magnificent.

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Very manly