NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

No footwork at all, fighting like a tinker


The WHO willfully ignored Chinese whistleblowers and didn’t even mention the sanctioned doctors who warned of this in China in their report. Its a whitewash and whilst Trump is a moron at the best of times he is on the money here.

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She has massive feet.

The original Ronaldo might be interested

Trump says

We’re incredibly lucky to have so many armchair Public Health Professors here, saves us from having to listen to the real ones.

Expertise be damned.

You must have a warehouse full of armchairs such is the scope of your expertise


What’s your point here? I was merely pointing out the WHO’s rationale on travel bans which you said were based on economics. :man_shrugging:t2:

I’m not walking back on my point on travel bans, I’ll still follow what they’ll say. I’ll admit to being very disheartened by a lot of their advice though now certainly.

@anon7035031 has been the one consistently saying it.

Nah, I just listen to experts. It’s a novel thing nowadays, I know.

Only if you agree with them though

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You were defending the WHO up until recently

If Trump said the world was round you’d find an “expert” to say twas flat

The good people of Michigan providing a human experiment in the effectiveness of Lockdown measures; Results expected in 2 weeks.

Yes mate, and it’s quite clear since then that they got some things very very wrong. There is a difference though between the WHO having long standing studies on Pandemic strategy and the behaviour of an organisation during an outbreak. They are not mutually exclusive.

Before Trump said it last week, I said it on here as March moved on and it was clear that there were major shortcomings in January. And I have consistently said that Trump’s handling of this is pathetic and should lose him the election. Again, these things aren’t mutually exclusive.

In fairness to them, they have valid points. Some of the restrictions put in place are not very well thought out. I don’t agree with the chap saying It’s political though, it’s likely just the reality of this being so new and quick decisions needing to be made by authorities.

Its an odd approach nonetheless & Fox running the story below in parallel -

I disagree with “experts” who are compromised or saying things for clear political reasons. Hence I’ve been able to see through a load of bullshit during this whole crisis and been proven correct each time.

But the stock market.

37k of those were going to die anyway so it doesn’t matter