NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19


Putinism has relied on technologists and propagandists to create pseudo-events that determine the news and political arc of the country. Protests and entire political crises and parties are made up.

That’s exactly what Russian trolls created here during the 2016 Election.

The Trump Presidency is following the exact same playbook as Putin’s regime, right down to the manufacturing of controversies and events while blurring the line between reality and lies so much that the difference doesn’t matter.

As I’ve written about, this breaks public will.

We’ve seen the groundwork laid for all of this back in 2010 with the “Tea Party,” which was just a front for Libertarian billionaires like the Kochs to push the Republican Party even further right and destroy government.

We’re primed for Putin-style managed democracy.

You should really stop commenting on this subject as you are simply an ignorant ape.

Please go back to the original thread called The Wuhan Clan and read what I was saying from late January on. You will find no reference to praising China, and find I was over a month ahead of Trump in calling this correctly. Trump like all western leaders totally failed on taking this pandemic seriously.

861 Deaths in UK Hospitals.

Have they any plans to collate the care home figures?

They keep pawing it off. They are also not recording deaths that Coronavirus on death certs unless they’d tested positive for the virus before hand. Or at least that’s what they used to do. If they actually collated all deaths, it’d show them up for what they are. Murderous fucking cunts.

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The UK has the fifth highest official death toll and their figure only includes hospital fatalities.

Their lockdown to be extended to the 7th of May.

I hope they are not giving in to the virus.

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They’re trying everything.

Yet you consistently said he was doing a great job. You have zero credibility.

“Marketplace of ideas” = The craziest ideas get the most attention.

“Schools reopening may cost us 2-3% in terms of mortality” but…“it’s a very appetising opportunity”.

A modern modest proposal.

Trump, after incorrectly saying he had total authority over the governors

The governors control the testing, they understand, they can call me, Cuomo called he understands… We got ventilators.

Play ball, or no ventilators

Morgan’s taking no prisoners these days

That’s a vile performance from a government minister as bad as our lot are across parties I truly believe our politicians are of a much higher calibre. Reflects our respective society’s I suppose.


3 more weeks, I’ll do that on my head


Any body any insight as to what happened the French numbers today - Total shit fest!

I think the 17k includes care home figures.

17k today?

Ah configured separately up until now like the Brits?

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