NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Clap if you want to get COVID-19.

What the absolute fuck?

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I am beginning to warm to Donald. J1 students from last summer are getting 1200 dollars if they left the us bank account open

President Trump has appointed Vince McMahon to head up his get America open team. A very shrewd appointment

A busy man

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Nothing to a half Kennedy.

He’s just over Wrestlemania too

The Chinese… A lovely bunch of lads.

How can the nursing home figure for every country around the world be nearly always 50 percent of the countries total figure? It seems an odd coincidence.

It’s because they are full of elderly and sick people mate. It’s no mystery

But surely some countries done a better job than others of protecting their nursing homes? Also does an age profile of a country not come into it? It just seems odd it’s 50 percent in every country.

I’m intrigued. What exactly do you think is happening :thinking:

I’ve no idea but it just seems to unusual in nearly every country it’s in or around the 50 percent mark. I thought a few countries would have done a better job than others and that would be reflected in the figures.

Well observed. It would be interestin6to break it down again to see what the mortality rate is for nursing/care homes. There is the obvious reasons such as older peoples immune systems being weaker, underlying conditions etc. Or the collateral damage theory whereby a decision was made just to let it run its course through nursing homes and concentrate on the “healthier and younger” elements

Well they’ve taken a deliberate decision both here and in the UK to not bring people from nursing homes into hospital, to keep bed space free. Most nursing homes are no way equipped to deal with this, so leaving them with the problem is basically like writing them off.
The alternative is the hospitals get over run though so I’m not sure what the answer is. They need to give nursing homes a lot more help though for a start

Well at least here FWIW they are including the mortalities in the daily figures. Not that we’ll ever know the true figures regarding deaths but there is no reason why they shouldn’t be included.

It isn’t just in the US, Russia or China where you face consequences for speaking out in the public interest.

847 deaths confirmed in UK hospitals.

This will end well

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