NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Yikes! An armed militia feeling they are being encouraged/supported by the president.

What happens when the shooting starts …

It’ll be China’s fault


Straight out of the little green men of “Novorossiya” in Ukraine in 2014 playbook.

Have the lads behind the control deck lost the manual for DT?

Or perhaps this is their control as Betsy let loose this week.

Irresponsible at the very least.

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Incredibly brave of her

She’s a remarkable lady.

It might be time to take him out. Can we trigger @anon7035031, what was the code word again?

Began with an s and ended in y

Shirley not?

It kidney be

Cuomo gave it to Trump today.

I might watch the presser tonigh, what time is it on? I’d say he’s going to blow.

Unlike every other presser?

I think tonight could be the big one

If it is none of us wake

Trump tonight, ‘No one is to blame’, ‘There is no blame’

He’s fucked and he knows it

the follow up was better, “if a certain country had done what it should have done this could have been solved long ago”

He’s such a messy bitch :laughing:


He said the governor of Virginia should be under siege for looking to take away their guns.

That’s that chap fucked

All the extremist groups have seen his tweets as a call to arms and are looking to boogaloo