NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

According to herself, from what she is seeing, the peak is a week or two off.


He’d sooner see a civil war in the US, costing countless more innocent lives than he’s already at fault for, rather then admit his mistakes. No wonder the far right crowd on here love him so much

The Washington crowd have updated their models today. They called the peaks too early in many countries. I think the only peaks anyone has called correctly are the ones that have clearly passed.

The latest model says Sweden to peak in 2 weeks and 5890 deaths by August 4, Ireland 1 day past it’s peak, 890 deaths, UK 4 days to peak, 37521 deaths and US just past it’s peak and 60380 deaths.

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The Washington crowd are clearly fucking spoofers and haven’t a breeze.


Methinks spoof recognize spoof in this instance

Best in the business, for what that’s worth. I think it demonstrates how difficult or maybe impossible these models are.

A civil war :joy: :joy: :joy:

One side have guns mate and the other side have shrieking. Don’t think it would last long.

What about the army?

They’re jokers. Wild swings in predictions up till now. Sure how can the UK peak be only 5 days behind Ireland with the shitheap they’ve made of mitigation efforts?

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Look it’s never going to happen, but in the hypothetical that it did, the army would be on the side of the lads with the guns.

If the latest US prediction of 60k deaths proves accurate, former poster Sidney will be seen to have been correct with his “meh, more people die of the flu” comment in February.


Do you keep any weapons yourself beyond?

Ah for ffs sake.

A few home made mortars in the back yard :wink:

Only for essential activities like fishing, swimming, and dog walking :rofl:

So where is Boris? Is he hiding or seriously ill? At a time of crisis he goes missing. The Churchill comparisons are looking very weak.

Meanwhile Cummings is back in the office and no-deal brexit is on track. The tans are going to fuck themselves and everyone around them.

Give the man a chance ffs , he is hardly going to be throwing to the media straight away .

He was hiding even before he got the corona