NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I’d have to question that picture in fairness. The tube is empty, 40 stations are closed

Most of this global pandemic has been given over to the challenges presented by a 9 year old with non-verbal autism who can’t make any sense of the breakdown of the crucial structure and familiarity in his daily routine.

How are you holding up yourself? Weekends must be particularly hard for you not been able to spend 16 hour days in the bedsit watching wall to wall live soccer.


Is that your excuse for getting lathered on cheap beer and hurling abuse at immigrants, because a 9 year old with autism has become familiar with it?

They can’t add either

Best wishes @ChairmanDan and family.


Sneering at kids with autism now. A new low.

There was a former Italian poster here @Cicero_Dandi who used to sneer at my sons guide dog.


Tough station @ChairmanDan, keep the chin up.


The chin is very much up and always is. You deal with the hand you’re given and get on with it. He’s doing a lot better than we thought he would so far but we’re still only over Week 1.


best of luck @ChairmanDan


we are all in this together


Key line: Given the capital’s status as a major global financial hub, Mr Johnson and Rishi Sunak, chancellor, were determined not to further alarm the markets by putting the city into lockdown.

The more I think about it, no matter what Boris does the Brits won’t respect the curfew or social distancing and they will be absolutely devastated, the worst in Europe. They’ll put a “keep calm and carry on” gloss on it to cover over how bad it is.

And give themselves a pat on a the back for their indefatigable spirit

There will be no keep calm and carry on gloss in a few weeks’ time when processions of army trucks are removing bodies from hospitals.

There will be riots.

The problem is that that will fuck us completely. Almost impossible to ban travel from there to here. No matter how well we self isolate we’ll always be getting more cases from them.

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we can ban flights and ferries for a start

some reason FFGL arent though

Concentrate on getting suitable clothing for your daily cycle and the rest will fall into place.


Bullet point: The UK Government is shit at communicating, and needs more bullet points.

You’re alright mate. I’d never post that pic. It reflects poorly on all of Fingal. *

  • I did laugh when I saw the deck shoes!