NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The EU is crumbling around its ankles, Brexit is going to seem like a masterstroke

Negative, he played a blinder with brexit , delivered it . People in the north were talking about civil war and what not ,Boris Johnson stopped all that .

Sure the Chinese lads found a thousand deaths they forgot about today. And sure that’s a complete lie. How could you build a model on it

Brexit turned out great for Ireland. We had contingency plans in place for every emergent catastrophe by default. We need to build a statue to Nigel Farage in the Pheonix Park

1,290 to be precise, just in Wuhan. It’s a bit scary to think all the early models predicting doom and gloom were based off the official Chinese data.

The EU is finished after this. A shambles of an organisation. Completely fucked Spain and Italy. Imagine Russia and China having to help Italy

Clap for Boris

I’m speechless.

Sure a civil war is what he’s wanted all along, he’s been very public over the years in desiring utter chaos. His regime which is filled with end times cultists are obsessed with the idea of creating chaos too. And Putin is certainly obsessed with creating chaos in the US.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My mate is a England says that since Boris got better the crisis is over and there are now more people on the streets than there would be normally with no virus.

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Mickey mouse lockdown, I’m out and about the whole time the last few days, I’ve had enough of it.

I’m going on a tinder date today

Are ye going for a walk around the frozen food section in the local supermarket or what?

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tinder? is that still going? I thought that was like bebo or myspace at this stage

Well a Bumble date. We’re going to walk together in Phoenix Park.


You are as bad as Keelings

This has been postponed, the lady says it’s her time of the month today.

No finger banging later for you so.

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