NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Financial Time Exclusive: The UK has already endured as many as 41,000 coronavirus deaths, according to an FT analysis of Office for National Statistics data. That’s more than double the official 17,337 figure.

Some of those studies in the states suggested a death rate of 0.1% to 0.2%, one in Germany said 0.37%.

That means the infection rate in the UK at 41,000 deaths could be well North of 11m and at the extreme end over 40m. They are getting towards their herd immunity


Number of deaths should be reviewed against national stars on 5 year trend. Published numbers have too many ins and outs by country and not comparable.

The excess should include preventable deaths due to the restrictions no??

I think that is part of the FT’s approach.

Anyone care to post up the article

It’s free

That was my point. Validated numbers

Unfortunately this won’t be like the eoin o broin housing thing or the Joe deane left hand on top argument where one side will be definitively proved wrong.

People have had enough of this lockdown shite here. There is a notable increase in activity this week.

Herself came home yesterday having held the hand of a man as he died alone in ICU.
It is nothing like bad flu she says.
Bad flu doesn’t make you cough up bits of rotting lung tissue.
It’s pretty horrible.
At least in ICU you have access to pain relief.
Some of those poor folk dying in old folks homes would barely have had that.
I’d genuinely like to have Dr Shipman when my time comes.


It will be very interesting to see what comes out of other countries.

I find it strange how anyone could compare it to the the regular flu.

this should be made a sticky, but it will be ignored by the lads with their head in the sand

It being a horrible death is particularly sad, but again is not the reason for lockdowns. Again you go from the rational to the irrational.

Unfortunately, even at your thresholds for lifting some restrictions, deaths will continue. I would say though that now we fully appreciate the asymptomatic nature of this in many elderly people in nursing homes and are focusing a lot of widespread testing there, we should also ensure the proper palliative options are there for people there. My understanding is that despite the claims of many that this has been done by the HSE and nursing homes. Hospital consultants are actively managing some nursing home cases, which I don’t think is the norm.

I certainly do not think this is a “spot of the flu” like the Swedish epidemiologist said in the interview I posted- I believe the comparison from him though was more along the mortality lines.

I’m wary of the 0.1% coming from some studies as they seem to have their faults. I’m just as wary, if not more so, of the 2% put out there based on the Diamond Princess and South Korea.

explain this?

What’s the point of saying it should be stickied for “lads with their heads in the sand”?

hang on now a second… Explain how it’s irrational?

Just to say something for moment, the idea that the mortality rate is similar to ordinary flu is clearly bullshit.

If everyone in a nursing home got ordinary flu they wouldn’t all die.

An ordinary flu wouldnt put a big man like Boris Johnson in hospital. Boris said there were 48 hours where it could have gone either way for him. He only pulled through because he’s a fighter.

People are coming up with stats that show mortality rates are similar. Stats can be misleading if you deliberately exclude certain data. It’s an approach people use to make a deliberate lie seem truthful. Comparing apples and oranges.

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