NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Sunlight kills the virus.
They must be reading TFK.

It’ll fizzle out over the summer.

Barely any one gets sick in summertime.

Is anyone on here necking bleach yet?

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No. The current tfk trend is to lay bleach on your footpath overnight with a watering can and wash it off in the morning.

He’s shilling particularly hard for Abbott.
Distancing from Fauci beginning.

‘I want people to enjoy the sun’ ‘I’m the President and you’re fake news’

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Jesus wept he’s even more all over the place than usual.
Too much adderall or not enough?

Sticking up for his besties Kim Jung and Boris the butcher now

Refusing questions point blank now from CNN

He has a special hatred for them.

Could all come full circle for Miles White, vaccine could be administered via Big Mac.


Because they dare to question his wisdom and brilliance.

Poor Debbie… take camera 2.


She was worse for staying there while he went on like that. Debasing herself, her expertise and her profession.

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Donald Trump is a great laugh until you remember hes the president of the United States

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Tom Morello :clap:

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Tis like that film “the death of Stalin” all these nodding heads around him

Coumo has a great bit of cut about him

Is shit not embedding anymore @Rocko?

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