NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Cuomo for president.

Trump! There are no words although:
"“It is incomprehensible to me that a moron like this holds the highest office in the land and that there exist people stupid enough to think this is OK. I can’t believe that in 2020 I have to caution anyone listening to the president that injecting disinfectant could kill you.”
[Walter Shaub,former director of the Office of Government Ethics]

The problem here is that if the experts contradict him, he’ll fire them and bring in somebody else probably somebody less qualified who won’t contradict him. So that the expertise which is badly needed will be lost. The experts’ dilemma is; contradict him and get fired or hold your tongue and try to mitigate his stupidity somehow.

You can nearly see his wheels turning here


‘Bleach good, say bleach good for kill gyna viruz’

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Bleach kill virus? Why we no inject bleach into us. Problem solved

This is moving in an exciting direction, we’re only steps away from recommending heavy boozing(specifically high proof sprits) & Sunbathing.
In the new normal Benidorm will replace Medjugorje as a pilgrimage for cleansing & healing.


there’s a video of a White House spokesman trying to defend Trump’s musings. He does a good enough job but it’s their faces. You could just turn down the volume and their faces accurately capture Trump’s tenure.

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Say nathin, there’s nice links aplenty to be gotten here

He could try drinking it?

Lysol and Dettol manufacturer tells customers not to inject disinfectants as possible treatment for COVID-19

See new Tweets



1 hour ago

Lysol and Dettol manufacturer tells customers not to inject disinfectants as possible treatment for COVID-19

Reckitt Benckiser, the British company that makes Lysol and Dettol, issued a press release on Friday urging its customers not to consume or inject its cleaning products after President Donald Trump suggested the possibility of injecting disinfectants as a treatment for COVID-19.

684 new hospital deaths in UK
19,506 hospital deathes in total

I’m reckoning if you do that, society probably won’t miss you.

Trump is basically Ron Burgundy

Is that data in any way robust?
It seems utterly out or whack with UK extrapolations which suggest about a 2% infection rate.

Where’s the 2% coming from? How many antibody studies have been done in the UK and where?

The New York study seems the most extensive I have seen at least, 3,000 sampled around the state. massive difference based on location. 21% tested positive in NYC, Long Island 16.7%, and outside of the densely populated areas down to 3.6%. I suppose it makes sense, if you were travelling on the subway from January to mid March and there was a large outbreak I’m not sure how you would avoid it to be honest, not so much in upstate New York state.

Whether these people are immune or not is another question.

It also ties into the deaths, 16,369 of the 21,283 total NY state deaths are in NYC.


Curve flattened. The peak was two weeks ago. Open her up. The people aren’t having it anymore


It’s not an antibody study, it’s an extrapolation from the numbers in hospital.

The 2% in the UK? Sure how can you extrapolate if you have no idea how many have been infected? It could be 2% or 20%, and likely varies massively by location.

At least the antibody studies tell you something, even if they have sampling errors.

Is there an estimate of when this slows and what kinda number in RIP’s?
It’s mental the numbers in 30 odd days.

It errs on the side of caution.
I reckon the NY figures are a gross over estimate, but we will find out in due course