NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I don’t know but it looks like the brits have plateaued now at least. They are still lying to their own people every day however by not giving the true figures


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There death tolls dropped from around 800 to between 6 and 7 the last two days. But as they are not counting nursing or care home deaths, they reckon that there could be up on 40k dead. Theyve made an absolute balls of it over there

But it’s based on a guess. Without an antibody study you have no idea whatsoever of the number of people who get infected end up in hospital.

Yes it is. I still the the NY figures are wrong.


A fella I was talking to, who lives there, told me today that Birmingham is the worst city in the World for corona virus infections. Is that true? Couldn’t be surely. Must be UK only?

Not as if it had much going for it before hand either

They intuitively sound right though. The three US studies are actually in agreement, LA, Santa Clara and New York state outside the densely populated metro areas are calculated at ~3-4% infection rates, not that different to the UK 2% estimate.

Those three areas are not particularly densely populated, there’s no packed subways, etc. Santa Clara for example has 500 people per sq km, NYC has 10k per sq km. LA is pretty well spread out compared to NYC. I don’t think it’s unreasonable in a densely packed city like NYC, where everyone travels around on the subway, that the infection rate would be extremely high. It goes a long way to explaining the death rate, 1,800 per million in NYC, 3X that of Italy and Spain.

There’s something about your posts that look very boring. I’m not sure is it cos you use long paragraphs and loads of numbers or something. I nearly always scan over them and don’t read them but when I read the odd one they’re actually not too bad. Informative but very earnest no real craic or cut to them.

I’ll start using emojis :wink:

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Birmingham is a fucking shithole, I’d believe anything negative about it

They might spice things up a bit alright :+1:

Short and sweet from Trump today and no questions. Somebody had a few words.

Off to the golf course

I’d say Debbie and Tony told him in no uncertain terms to stop waffling like a rapper.

He was being sarcastic when he was talking about injecting disinfectant and the fake news media took him out of context.

He’d make a great TFK poster


I really do wonder how trump has lasted over 3 years as a reality TV personality doing the biggest job in the world. Would give hope to every harmless gom, might as well reach for the stars.

The way it works with Trump is someone tells him something or he reads something and then he tries to wing it in front of the cameras. Apparently there’s actually research going on somewhere to imbed LEDs on the surface of ventilator tubes to radiate the lungs with UV. Somehow that got translated to shoving a flashlight up Uranus.

Biden is sleeping his way to the White House. Trump is doing all the hard work for him

There’s nothing quite like a good whiff of ozone…I wouldn’t rule out uv

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