NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I could easily win in November and most of the lads I drink with could as well.

You’re just like sleepy Joe, the less you say the more we believe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Joe needs to be kept wrapped in cotton wool until November.

It mightn’t do him any harm.

Actually, now we’re on it, much talk over there of the election being postponed or anything like that?

No, not going to happen. There will be an election November 3rd. Congress are the only ones who can change the date and it’s not going to happen. People can go to a polling station with a mask on if necessary. There’s already lots of postal voting allowed.

2 things might scupper that though surely
1 A second more deadly wave
2 Donald Trump

  1. Possibly, could mean more postal voting, that would be decided by congress.
  2. Trump had no power to change the date, not covered under executive order guidelines. If he tried it would be challenged in the courts and he would lose.
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I see

Birmingham is a nice city I’ve always found. It’s grand to walk around, and always has an open feeling.

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It’s the city version of Athy



He’ll do his level best to stop postal voting though, been making those noises for a few weeks.
If postal votes are allowed and he loses - unfair, rigged system, witch hunt etc. and his moron base get even more moronical and then things get really stupid.

The UK has now surpassed their “best case scenario” of 20000 deaths. And that’s just hospital deaths.

I’d say they surpassed their best case a long time ago.

Here you go mate… “administering intermittent UV light via a novel endotracheal device”.
You’re welcome.

Yes, that’s my fear . . . that Trump will do all he can to stop or at least limit the postal vote.

I didn’t say they weren’t doing it. I laughed, as it’ll be as much use for coronavirus as your other cures like remdesivir


I wouldn’t give up on remdesivir just yet. The trial in China that was reported last week was abandoned as they didn’t have enough patients. There’s other ongoing trials that may be more promising.