NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It might help some people in certain circumstances, but I’d believe a Chinese trial above a press release from an American drug company, which says it all really

You’re very cynical mate.

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Brad is still a ride


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Top bombing.

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The mainland needs sausage rolls more than ever

I’m a man who likes a good speech, Boris delivered today, the right tone was struck, the right metaphors were delivered

Are you sticking with Labour or has Boris won you back, mate?

I’m sticking with Starmer, but that could change. I’m only interested in getting the economy going.

I think I might have mentioned it but there is a 4000 bed emergency hospital in the excel centre in London, now there is only 12 lads in it as of tonight, that shows how overegged this thing is, ICU has not been overwhelmed, the NHS has not been overwhelmed, they have not run out of ventilators, its a load of bollix, the whole thing is a cod. Countries were looking at Italy who made a hames of it and shit themselves

I don’t think you mentioned that before.


Hopefully there’s a massive accident or disaster and a few of those beds get filled please god

The Brits putting a 60k price tag on the lives of NHS staff I see

Ffs. The tannish government released a video of some soldiers passing a parcel of ikea pillows back and forth across a garage bay. That’s your excel emergency
hospital right there. The nhs takes 2 years to deal with an ingrown toenail. Where the fuck do you think they were going to get the nurses willing to wipe the arses of 4k of insufferable tan wankers?
Hook line and sinker


But, but, but the curve is flattening.

The Torys have been lying to their own people, who would have thunk it

Murderous cunts the lot of them.

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Their still not saying what their saying :shushing_face:

Cc @Fagan_ODowd