NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Is that saying that over 7,000 people died just in care homes in a week!!! That’s not a statistical oversight that’s a fucking genocide!!!

The ONS said that overall, 7,316 people had died in care homes overall during the 16th week of 2020, almost treble the number reported in the 13th week.

BBC news there now

It does but the article itself is a bit all over the shop, multiple timelines and figures getting thrown around.
Nobody willing to pull the calculator out.

Scared shitless to pull a calculator out more like

Are they dancing around it on BBC as well?


Strange that they are trying to cloud the issue. There was over 11000 deaths above average in one week. Double the normal weekly amount. Boris is rapidly solving the care crisis.

Trump is up and he’s brought the lovely Ivanka with him.

Concerrently Joe Biden has woken up and is doing a zoom press conference with what looks like the corpse of Hillary Clinton becasue thats waht everyone wants to see right now. Democrats have really learned their lessons I see

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This will drive the usual suspects absolutely demented.

This is very heartwarming stuff from team Trump

BK must be worried, he’s plugging this fish shack crowd a lot.

It wouldn’t surprise me if one of these speakers presents him with a medal.
It’s a live show of the President of the USA getting his dick sucked just to make himself feel better.
Incredible stuff :laughing:

This is heroic stuff from The President

What an absolutely shameless cunt - ‘maybe with you here, they’ll ask me nicer questions’


The brits making some fuck up of this.

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That’s some pretty textbook propaganda to be fair.

Open it up to fuck. Children are getting raped!!!

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Even the music is ridiculous. Still though, what if he’s right…

He’s dead right. This virus is bad but the effects of lockdown will be worse.