NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I was saying this a month ago.

Foodbank queue in “the greatest economy in the history of the world”

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Wow,life here is miles away from that in general

give it six months


Hope not, if Uncle Sam stopped propping up Israel he could feed his children

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There’s an unbelievable amount of people in the states only a pay check away from absolute poverty


Yeah but paying for the 4x4 seems to take priority even in these desperate times

We could never understand the mindset in the states. Everything’s on credit. No one wears anything cheap or drives anything cheap



Do you remember the little bang here circa 2008

It’d not that bad here , but for some poor :smiling_imp: s

Spotted that

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I don’t think most of the crowd at the food bank are driving expensive cars. Sure their social welfare is atrocious. Poor people (black people) there have fuck all

That kind of extreme use of stats is easily exposed. For the sake of efficiency I’m not gong to bother. It can be captured in that whilst there is great sympathy for victims of Seasonal flu, It has been recorded over a period of time that mortality rates can be predicted annually . Covid -19 now poses an additional threat to mortality in addition to Seasonal flu.
There is no Synergy or working together, no Venn Diaghrams(yet) - This is a new killer.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Trump is a dealmaker. He makes no apologies for it.

The Brits are kicking the can down the road for another few weeks it seems.

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The brilliance from Boris has been carrying out his entire career looking hungover. It means on days when hes actually hungover, like today, there is no visible difference.

No he’s awful shook looking today, heavily medicated too I’d say, appears to be talking utter gibberish

Be the lord here’s Fintan O’Toole on CNN talking about Trump