NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

That was a whole pile of nonsense from Fintan.

Pair of wankers. They should be struck off

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There’s certainly problems with their arguments, especially on how they arrived at their mortality rates, but the author of this piece totally loses all credibility when quoting two early studies based on Chinese data. We have no fucking clue how many people were infected or died in China, to base any argument on it is ludicrous. The studies they are quoting claim that as of February 29th, the total number of infected in China was 79,394. For all we know it could be 793,940, 7,934,000 or 79,394,000.

The author also fails to mention recent antibody studies which back up the lower mortality claims. At the time this rebuttal was written four antibody studies had already been published, Santa Clara, LA, Germany and New York. At least these studies are based on reasonable projections of the numbers infected from actual data, rather than guessing or trusting the fucking CCP. His failure to at least mention these is reason alone to discount his opinion.

The author also completely ignores all the other societal impacts of ongoing lockdowns, claiming he didn’t want get into “political” discussions. You cannot look at one and not the other, that’s actually the main point the two doctors are making. We shouldn’t consider the economic impact of 30 million now unemployed in the US? He doesn’t think it’s an issue that hospitals in the US are empty and many closing departments and laying off staff, that patients are not going for much needed care for other conditions?

There is also the issue that the author is writing on an anonymous blog and refuses to disclose his identity, so perhaps his views should be taken with a grain of salt. Some of the doctors arguments may be flawed but at least they have the balls to go public with their views.

The Don is getting great use out of this speech.

Trump answered on two occasions today that he believes the SARS-Cov-2 virus came from the virology lab in Wuhan. Fuck me that will be hard to walk back if that’s not what he meant. Reporters still confused between a man made virus and a naturally occurring virus that could have escaped from a lab ffs.

All he needs to do is declassif documents from the CIA confirming this, he surely has that power if true

Well, he has been known to speak gibberish at times, but this was a very direct yes or no question. There’s an ongoing investigation so doubt we will see anything concrete until that’s done.

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Ah no. He was being sarcastic.

I suspect he wasn’t. This wasn’t a mad riff like the UV/Clorox cures. There’s fairly strong circumstantial evidence it came from one of the Wuhan labs (accidentally).

It’s been by far far far the most likely cause from the start. If proven, there will be some interesting lawsuits ahead.

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Mornin y’all, have some Gyna propaganda

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Finally, some good news for Brexiteers

Coronavirus patients from black African backgrounds in England and Wales are dying at more than triple the rate of white Britons, a study suggests.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said a higher proportion of people from ethnic minority backgrounds live in areas hit harder by Covid-19.

However, they tend to be younger on average, so should be less vulnerable.

It comes after BBC News analysis of 135 healthcare workers whose deaths have been publicly announced found 84 were from ethnic minority backgrounds.

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122,000 tested yesterday. Fucking unreal from Matt Hancock.

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Fucking unreal from Amazon and postman pat because that’s who’s got them. Nearly opening the champagne here. Oh nearly fogot to say another 700 plus dead.

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Most of them over 83. They are gone anyway.

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You’re too long in England. Very British attitude to the elderly

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Have they overtaken Italy yet? #blitzspirit

The bulldogs are crushing this. Send us victorious…