NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Where are you taking the figures from as a matter of interest? Is it worldometer?

Trump actually used Sweden as the example of what not to do (he was wrong). The only one on here who approaches Trump levels of stupidity is yourself. As always you have to try and make any discussion political. The virus doesn’t care about politics, it is impacting countries the same whatever flavor of government they have.

Leftists like yourself point to the US and the UK, and conveniently ignore Italy, Spain and France. What is it about “they all fucked up” so hard to comprehend?

How are Belgium overstating their deaths?

Mainly this, it agrees broadly with worldometer although worldometer is updated more frequently.

The UK had 23000 excess deaths in 2 weeks up to the 24th April. Yes you’re right they are.


Some fucked up deliberately some didn’t. That’s the difference between the US/UK and Italy.

Fair enough plenty of conservative reports of them being well over those figures.

And their excess deaths are off the chain. They are spending much of their energy trying to spin this as opposed to combatting it. Theees a good dude from the financial times doing a good job on tracking excess deaths.

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This is a good article on excess deaths. If you scan down to table 2, the % attributed to Covid-19 is fairly consistent across countries, even though how each country counts Covid deaths varies. The article claims that Italy have only counted deaths in hospitals, if that’s true they are greatly underestimating their Covid-19 deaths. The timescale is also important, as peak deaths also varies by country.

What an utterly moronic statement.

Moronic would be using Donald Trump utterances.

That’s exactly what they’re doing and Belgium are doing the total opposite.

The WHO announced a global pandemic on March 9th, and western governments woke up and started taking the threat seriously. At that point is was too late for the great majority of those that have died.

To state that some countries fucked up “deliberately” compared to others is so stupid it defies comprehension. If that was the case, then the PM of Sweden should be in jail for mass murder.

Ironically the WHO have just come out and praised Sweden’s approach and now say it is the model everyone should be following.

You’re all over the shop here buddy. You’re after throwing a link up to this and the first point is:

International comparisons of coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths can be misleading, partly because how COVID-19 deaths are recorded differs across countries.

A few posts earlier

Then you shout SWEDEN and use the WSO who you’ve been lambasting the last 2 months.

You’re some buachaill.

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If you look at the table on the article I posted, excess deaths per capita are much higher in Italy and Spain. The article is correct in cautioning about reaching conclusions in the middle of the pandemic.

I’m not defending the UK, they have done a shit job in terms of preparation and response, but once again every western European country bar Germany is the same.

There is no contradiction in anything I have posted. The WHO can be wrong on one issue and right about another, just like anyone.

Given the failure to prepare for this pandemic and respond to it early, and the nature of the disease, it should be no surprise that there is a high rate of death in a short period of time among vulnerable populations, as no efforts were made to protect them. That’s what we are seeing across the western world, its really as simple as that.

Excellent podcast from Dunphy there on how the UK media has been glorifying Boris and conditioning the public for so many years, even to this day. Something I’ve been calling to the forums attention with my late trusty sidekick @sidney. The contrast with Trump who gets angry but at least takes the questions is notable as is the constant salivatating from his fanclub on here, @balbec, @Tim_Riggins, etc

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It’s actually part and parcel of a more nuanced, mixed argument.

One aspect is Sweden. Yes they have had deaths, but despite counting more than most as Covid, they aren’t near “top of the table in Europe”, certainly not vs. other countries who locked down severely.

Another is that Ireland’s Ro rate was tumbling before the hard lockdown, with social distancing sufficient, to below 1


The other is that since opening segments of their economies and society (whilst maintaining social distancing), the likes of Denmark have not seen a significant spike.

There are further ones as well in terms of Asia.

I’m not a Boris fan.

The Germans should be running Europe

Are they not running Europe?