NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

80 thousand deaths in Ireland were projected, the great thing for those lads is, they can take credit for their numbers and say the lockdown saved those lives.

Time will tell.

That’s some assassination :clap::clap::clap:

Does any of it make any difference though, same as the lad across the pond?

I’m not sure the Brits are as immune to common sense as the yanks. They aren’t great either mind

On the 8th of April they said Ireland would have between 100 and 1,000 deaths in the following week, a nice bit of wiggle room. They are improving as countries pass their peak though. They have Ireland at 89-183 for this week, although can’t be too hard to predict given last week was 181 and deaths in Ireland are clearly declining.

The excess mortality in England remains baffling to me

This article dismisses a few things, including obesity as a factor, based on New Zealand being more obese. But that doesn’t appear to me to be logical, NZ has quite clearly avoided significant infection of the general population so just doesn’t have the infections to give rise to that as a critical factor. In saying that, the US has a more significant obesity issue, but lower deaths. It’s going to be a mixed back of reasons, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

This Professor is suggesting that it could be the unintended indirect deaths caused by the pandemic, but it seems too early to be seeing that and it doesn’t appear to be a major issue yet elsewhere

Britain has been in steep decline for decades now, the media have given up on it, so have some of the royals. The people are checking out

Not sure how it is working in the UK or Ireland but hospitals are empty here and doctors are only seeing patients via video. There must be a phenomenal amount of health problems being missed.

I’d agree and we’ll surely see this impact for the next 12-18 months or so. Just seems a bit too soon to have that kind of outlier when other countries haven’t seen it yet?

Pretty much the exact same. Doctors are doctoring via zoom and charging full whack for their efforts. The hospitals have been empty for a while now

Case in point

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Need to lock this fucker up and throw away the key. Give him a score of lashes a day as well for good measure.

Relax bro, crackers gotta crack yo

It doesn’t answer all your questions but it’s certainly a factor


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If Sweden are so successful why have they 6 times as many fatalities per capita as other Nordic countries? Do fatalities enhance your definition of success?

That reads like something Trump would say which is never going to enhance any argument.

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Starmer going after this at PMQs

Sir Keir absolutely filleting Boris here

Because it has a higher death rate you stupid fucking cunt.

The know-alls now seriously embarrassing themselves with the Sweden thing. As I posted earlier it had a far better lockdown than Ireland, it just didn’t need to make it legal because people did what they’re told. “Common sense social distancing” like spraying all the parks with chicken shit.

Sweden is in far worse state than its locked down neighbours. More people died in the UK than should have because they implemented a lockdown at the last moment, how stupid are we that we cant see this.

As regards the higher death rate among young Irish than Swedes, maybe Swedes are healthy good-looking blonde people and young Irish people are ugly obese potatoes, nearly the fattest in the world.

Thank fuck I didn’t waste the last week reading the nonsense on this thread.

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