NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

His style suits the current state of the Commons. I wonder what he’d be like with all the Tory monkeys howling and balling. Johnson is clearly intimidated by him too.

Good point. At the very least the yahoos in his own party are getting a good look at his Death by a thousand cuts style and there will be a legitimate opposition for a change. Starmer is almost a throwback to dignified statesmanship albeit with a striking 21st century brain, something archaic about him but also genuinely reassuring seeing a lad who actually has a clue and is not playing to the galleries and spin doctors every time.

The media will go after his mild mannered good nature but the public may not be so easily fooled this time, theres a sense he is coming to prominence at just the right time in a political world gone stone mad.

Also will the Commons ever return to the bellowing out house that it was? Even if it does it won’t be any time soon and Sir Keir will be well established by then, if not sitting in the bigseat himself.

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The Tories will definitely try a hatchet job in the media. They tried it last week with the clip circulating during the clap for carers but the camera man quickly cleared everything up.

Three weeks in a row he’s strung up Johnson and first Raab. Asking them questions which he clearly knew the answer to and let them hang themselves. The fact he doesn’t deal in sound bites is refreshing but the worry is that this could count against him as the media over here and the public love a soundbite. Johnson has thrived on sound bites.

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Its a sad testemant of the UKs demise that your average Joe Bloggs or George Winterbottoms can only comprehend the workings of the world through pat dumbed down 2 or 3 word slogans

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Why does Ireland have 6X the death rate of Norway and Finland? Why has Ireland the same death rate as Sweden if lockdowns work? Why is the UK 50% higher than Sweden even though they locked down on March 23rd, almost 2 months ago?

I didn’t mention success, I said I believe their approach is the correct one. Success is reaching herd immunity, whether it’s via natural means or a vaccine. The alternative to herd immunity is keeping restrictions on indefinitely which will obliterate the global economy and result in many multiples of deaths than caused by COVID-19.

Trump, now that you mentioned him, has frequently used Sweden as the example of how not to do things, sounds like you agree with him.


This is simply incorrect, you are just embarrassing yourself at this stage. Sweden has not had a lockdown, people are free to go to their place of work, schools and all businesses are still open, including restaurants, bars and even nightclubs.

They were told not to leave their homes and they didn’t. They’re at home more than the Irish.

“How is the UK any more fucked than any other country” you said.

Because Ireland didn’t implement a full lockdown.

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Stop digging. They haven’t been told to stay at home, they have been told to practice sensible social distancing. Your only valid point is that the Irish and British cannot be trusted to do the same, which is worthy of debate, unlike your other made up nonsense.

As for the UK, the only country counting all confirmed and probable (mostly nursing homes) deaths consistently is Belgium. Italy, France, Spain and the UK were only counting hospital deaths up to late April and have since added nursing home deaths.

If you look at it based on population density, the UK, France, Italy and Spain are effectively the same in terms of mortality rates. In effect they have all handled the crisis the same, allowing the virus run rampant through the most vulnerable populations while locking up the healthy.

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What is a full lockdown? Carry a piece of paper to say you gave yourself permission to go to the shop as in France?

France, Italy and Spain have a much stricter lockdown than Ireland. Is that what you call success? Their daily death rates, especially France, are still higher than Ireland as of yesterday.

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You’re all over the place again.

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What’s a full lockdown? Give an example of a western country that has had a “full lockdown”, and have a look at their death rates before and after the lockdown. Then compare them to Ireland which according to you didn’t do a serious lockdown.

Why are you unable to answer any simple questions?

With rent increasing, is now the time to buy a house?


Do you have any stats for that? Given so many businesses are open as well as schools for the young, that would seem unlikely to me.

In terms of “the Brits and Irish can’t do it”, the R rate in Ireland was tumbling before the hard lockdown.

They sprayed one park, in one city with chicken shit.

Which is actually the craziest part when you think about it.

We might not believe China but their official data shows a pretty significant arresting (i.e. below 1%) of cases and deaths just 4 weeks into their hard lockdown. It took Italy the guts of 8 weeks to get to that mark. We can talk about the Chinese lying, more testing, Italians flouting the rules or whatever, but’s a long time still.

Lombardy was quarantined on March 1st and are still reporting hundreds of cases a day!*

*I see it’s over 1000 today, I assume this is a catch up day or something as that’s a mental number. I’d assume that a lot of the hospital and care homes have already been ran through there

Jaysus it’s like a cat toying with a mouse.

And the reason was that that weekend is the Swedish equivalent of Paddys day where they usually gather in parks all day to drink and have the craic. The Swedes love knacker drinking at the best of times.