NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Could you blame them with the price of a pint

Good analogy here too, Starmer v Boris the despatch box is genuinely fascinating to watch

Sir Keir’s technique is one that the master of cinematic suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, would approve. Hitchcock once said: “There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it.” The metaphorical bomb under the table in this case is the inevitable public inquiry into the handling of coronavirus. Like the audience of a Hitchcock movie, we all know it is going to go off and the suspense is in wondering how close to it the Prime Minster will be standing when it does.

Johnsons response, this is getting to Leo v MaryLou levels now, note the exquisite handwriting from the pm


I think he’ll be even better. He’s box office for the thinking person. Boris is box office for the bingo wingers.

He signed that above Keir’s name at the bottom rather than his own.

I didn’t know Keir was a DPP, I don’t know anything about him to be honest, but you can see it in his approach. Everything is strategic, teasing him into a trap constantly

You’ve already been given examples of countries that have far better* numbers compared to Ireland and Sweden. If I repeat them again you’ll just ignore them again.

Better = Less fatalities.


I’m not ignoring anything, unlike yourself who can’t answer a simple question.

When do you think Ireland should lift it’s lockdown?

He apparently thinks we should work towards zero transmission and zero deaths, which implies he thinks we shouldn’t leave our houses until this thing goes away. But wait, there are other viruses and transmissable diseases out there so I guess that means we can never leave our houses ever right? I mean there is always a non-zero risk from getting a respiratory disease which by his logic means permanent lockdown, forever.

Respiratory diseases and the tiny chance of the majority of the population dying from them are now the only considerations to make. The simpletons mantra.

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That would be for the experts to decide, not the likes of you and me.

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‘The fraud of the AMA, WHO, CDC, and Vaccine scam of the Gates Foundation.
listen to how she talks about Anthony ƒauci.
The AMA is Rockefeller medicine.
The WHO is an arm of the UN and bought and paid for by the Gates Foundation.’

Ah lads, fuck this shit


You don’t ‘spray’ shit, you ‘spread’ it…get with the fucking programme lads and quit embarrassing yourselves


You wouldn’t know what those depraved Limerick lads would be at sure.

I just hope he’s learnt his lesson

Experts like Tony Holohan? A doctor that didn’t even specialize, let alone specialize in infectious diseases. Simon Harris? Mr Covid-1 through 18.

Only an absolute simpleton would take seriously what they have to say.


She’s a fruitcake.

We can agree on that. When I said experts I didn’t mean there were ones in Ireland.

Jesus Mike. This thread is full of experts