NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

NHS workers from ethnic backgrounds are seven times more likely to die from Coronavirus. Nice opener on the ITV news tonight.

That’s another strange part of this. I know a North African fella in his 30s who is in hospital with back problems but the staff are desperately keen to get him home as he is considered very high risk due to his ethnicity, apparently someone of a similar age and ethnicity recently died from Covid in a neighbouring hospital. Yet in these North African countries the virus doesn’t seem to be much of an issue at all.
@anon7035031, any speculation on why that is?

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Vitamin d, bcg

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Something like people of those ethnicities being more susceptible when in moderate climates? Weird alright.

Also how come it hasn’t gone through the Florida retirement population to any great extent?

Similar in the US. The main reason given here, at least so far, is that African Americans have more of the underlying health conditions associated with poor outcomes for COVID-19, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, asthma.


Fairly opens up the whole lot

Have they speculated as to why African Americans might be more susceptible to such afflictions? Would hardly have anything to do with wealth inequality and poverty would it?


North Africans would make up very little of the genetic mix of “African Americans“ or Americans as I’m sure they can be called at this stage.
Their ancestors came from mostly central and west Africa.
I’d believe the factors to be far more socioeconomic than genetic anyway somehow.

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More leftist nonsense, liked of course by the cracker hating Cark weirdo. Why would poverty be the causal factor for obesity and it’s related illnesses? Even more ridiculous is why would wealth inequality contribute to obesity and it’s related illnesses? Are you trying to claim if people had more money they would eat less? In countries where you have actual poverty, you see very few obese people.

The only answer to obesity is eating less and daily exercise. Money can’t buy you either of those.

It can buy you some serious healthcare though. If you’re fortunate enough to be born into wealth and have a lifetime of doctor visits and lollipops your health might be better than someone who isn’t, over the course of a lifetime surely? Stands to reason really, not that reason is still a thing in your adopted home.

Obesity is now the biggest killer in the developing world. Much more so than malnutrition bud.

No question about access to healthcare, but the lowest income levels here have Medicaid which is excellent. Surely you know lots of reasonably well off people that have access to decent healthcare and are obese? Plenty examples of wealthy people as well.

Why do you think as nations transition from poverty to “developing” that obesity becomes a problem?

I was speaking more specifically about the cases I knew here which involved North Africans. The living standard of emigrants from these areas who have moved to the UK would typically be better than those in some of the more impoverished areas of Cairo or Rabat as well presumably, yet the virus doesn’t seem to have much impact there.

Maybe hummus is the key. Would also explain why more poor people are dying than rich

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he’s a great bit of stuff, taking that clown apart, Johnson is scared shitless of him, with no crowd of braying idiots behind him it really becomes apparent how much better Sir Keir is, taking him apart, forensically collecting the evidence, brilliant. What an absolute travesty that a moron like Corbyn was in charge for the last few year

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Hold the line. Six more months of lock down and it’ll be easy to hold the line. We will have no money to do anything else only sit at home.

Well done @Tassotti are you back to work?

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I never stopped