NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Tim is talking out of his ass. Sanjeev gives him the tombstone one tweet down

In fairness you cant argue with science behind Sanjeev’s logic

Sky News nightly press review carrying the Irish News front page now I see, interesting development :face_with_monocle:

What is it?

The headline? Can’t remember, something about the corona I’d say. Or possibly brexit

Peter Hitchens is a fine addition too I must say

What’s wrong with that? He’s right, if someone just has an innate immune response to the virus and repels it, antibodies wouldn’t show and therefore quoted immunity levels from these test and results are understating population immunity levels. I just read it on the internet to make sure Sandjeev wasn’t mugging us off.

People have an innate immune response to Covid 19 because they have had the common cold?


Have a read about innate immunity mate.

Common cold is nothing got to do with it, not sure why Sandjeev threw that in but if you put a line through and strike ‘or immunity from previous common cold infections’ he’s bang on the money.

Sandjeev’s let you down badly here mate

I’ll have a look into innate immunity

Good night

I’ve been waiting ten minutes for your response, do you type with a hammer. Sandjeev knows his onions. Goodnight

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There are four coronaviruses which have been around a long time which cause the common cold (among dozens of other viruses). It is quite possible that the immunity built up in some people against these viruses helps ward off SARS-2.

It’s alright, Sandjeev’s already got this one covered

I had It in February lads. And Mary had it before Christmas. Tis all over

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New York post is OIUTF

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Calling it now, Oxford and AZ have cracked the vaccine.

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My moneys on the Chinese

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I suspect it won’t be fully rolled out til next year.
There’s also this