NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Vulnerable people in UK will have it by early Q4.

Well it reduced the symptoms in healthy monkeys a bit, so why not?

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400m doses on order and it doesn’t even work :grinning: what a time to be in pharma

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Did cross my mind.

No idea on the dosage but I’d assume there would be a clawback if not manufactured?

Makes sense to have all the supply chain and logistics set up to get going it.

We’re all losing a fortune on this thing so what’s another few billion.

Easy spend a billion to look good these days for the likes of The Donald

I could come up with a vaccine that doesn’t work myself, if that’s the bar we are aiming at. I’ll do it for a lot less than AZ are charging as well

Similart announcement here imminent

Are we going to let Brits in and the place riddled?

There is an air of “the horse has bolted” off this


They’ve been welcome this whole time. You not allowed visit your folks but inviting riddled brits in, no problem

They learned from our fruit picking fiasco at least

Trump is up

‘Houses of worship are essential’ ‘I am calling on all states to open them up RIGHT NOW’

He’ll call the right cure eventually.

Fuck me :laughing:

What about people’s freedom to wear a mask?

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So they’re allowed in with the gun but not the mask?

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Dominic Cummings caught flauting the lockdown I see

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