NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Lewis Goodall is the best journo the UK have left, this is absolutely damning. The end of Cummings for certain, possibly the tories too

Dominic’s wife has a bit of dirt on Boris though

Go on.

She wss the other woman that he groped along with Charlotte Edwardes. Hence the reason the other woman wouldn’t confirm the story.

And yet her husband is now bessiers with Boris.
Shows what we are dealing with in Cummings.

Here @flattythehurdler, what did that cunt Cummings do? He appears to be under pressure?

You can never go home in this life.

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Broke lockdown rules. Travelled 250+ miles to Durham to isolate with his parents when he had coronavirus. The same Tory ministers who vilified the scientist Ferguson are all out on Twitter today defending Cummings. You can probably guess who the spineless cunts are.


I was reading the Moderna press announcement on the results of their trials to-date. They didn’t go into details on why there are positive antibody tests for only 8 out of 15 participants. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when trial participants are hit with wild COVID infection. From what I can gather, all previous attempts at developing COVID vaccines have always stumbled at this stage, as test cases got ill and died when exposed to the wild virus.

Won’t matter. There’ll be boris baby pictures soon to keep the plebs distracted.

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There has never been a vaccine to a Coronavirus. But sure, let’s pin our hopes on it anyway

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Are you sure?

You’d think out of 19 they’d have cracked it at least once

Spain are OIUTF (from July).

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I read a Wikipedia article on the subject mate. I’m an expert.

You’re more of an expert here than most so

He only went and did it more than once you know :smile: