NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You’d have to admire the media for letting out half the story, allowing almost the entire cabinet come out and back Cummings and then drop the rest. Old school.


That’s not including the own goals scored today

They fall for it every time.

The "left wing press"as they’d call them here aren’t normally as ruthless as the rest, but hats off they’ve done them hook line and sinker

That NYT front page is incredible, some of the bios are amazing. Romi Cohn seemed to have an interesting story to tell. Paul Warech might have fit in well around here.

For those looking to dig deeper

Jerzy Glowczewski :clap:

Boris standing by his man and signing his own death warrant in the process here

Multi-tasking like a pro

Moving quickly on to Phase 2

He will have to take Qs


He might take them here and skip Keir’s grilling

Sadly for Bojo he has to take both. Todays will be a lot easier than Wednesdays you can be sure of that. Cummings is an absolute lightening rod, him staying could concievably derail this Govt with its 80 seat majority and even potentially Brexit itself. What is Boris thinking

Not sure he’ll get it that soft tonight. Grant shapps got a shoeing last night. He csn put that with the one he just got off sophie ridge on sky

Hand-picked questions from the unwashed public?

The press are next. They might be handpicked as well

This is a fucking shambles. Can they bring back the two lads with sticks who used to rule the Micks?


Thats one way to silence the BBC :smile: