NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Boris phoning in his defence of his buddy here

“Hand on heart”? :grin:

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Johnsons famous optismo difficult to detect here, rather the opposite in fact

Some state of affairs when this crowd ruled Ireland for 800 years. The state of this gimp

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Alister Campell comparing Bojo to Orban now

Poor Boris. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be a joke and a laugh, lifes just not fair

Broris has just made the story about him now with his train wreck press conference there, Cummings the man who built him up and the man who’ll bring him down

What does Cummings have on Boris, he’s going over the cliff after him

Seems to be BoJo’s Rasputin.

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And it’s gone :joy::joy:

Is that a genuine account? :joy::joy:
The UK is falling apart

Oh it is yeah.

Sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning

Was just about to post the Civil Service tweet. It’s gone but most journalists have screenshot it. You’d hope the guardian and mirror have a third piece that they are dropping this evening.