NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Someone is going to have a bad dose of the fear tonight

He killed people

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He was a herd immunity advocate. He killed a lot of people.

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Sir Kier, ‘If I was PM I would have sacked Cummings’
Sir Malcolm Rifkind, ‘Cummings and Boris are not big enough people to do the right thing’

Fair play to Dom, he did what any desperate father would do in looking out for his family. A nonesense witchhunt about a man dropping his kids off to his parents. Thats his apparent crime, dropping his kids off with his folks!


Agreed. It’s his hypocrisy that’s fucked him here however. Cummings mishandling and subsequent backtracking from the herd immunity policy was his real downfall. For a marketing PR guru/genius/savant etc he was really found out by the tory’s first real issue since taking government.

Interesting repecussions here for all future inquireies

Oh my lord. He didn’t see his folks according to him. He stayed at a house on their estate. As we would all do.

Not sure your point here, he dropped his kids off with his parents so they’d have someone to mind them. Are you angry they have a big house and an estate, is that it?

He touched a gate! He touched a motherfucking gate!! :rofl:


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No. People are angry because he touched a gate.

He did not have any physical contact with his parents. He did not avail of any child care. His story

And this vulnerable 4 year old he put into a car and drove 260 miles with someone with covid symptoms

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The people have realised the lockdown is a cod but they’ve gone along with it so furiously and righteously and given up their freedoms they now have all this fury and rage they need to direct somewhere. The rich tory who dropped his kids of to his parents is a good target but they’re really ashamed and angry with themselves - this is just a manifestation of that.

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What in God’s name are you sputtering about? He dropped his kids off to their granparents so they could mind them. What does it matter if it was 26 miles or 260 miles?

His judgement throughout was questionable to say the least. His grasp of the modern media landscape appallingly infantile. This is the tories first major test with their 80 seat majority and one, to be kind about it, they clearly haven’t passed. If there was an election in the morning Sir Kier would win a landslide