NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

You are talking shite. He drove with his wife and 4yr old 260 miles and stayed in a house on his parents estate. He says he or his child didn’t meet his parents.

What exactly are you angry about here? He was looking for assistance for his 4 year old kid from his immediate family in the case he couldn’t look after them. He didn’t break any laws and acted within the guidelines. What are you angry about here? A 4 year old should possibly be left fend for itself to maybe comply with some covid guidelines? Try leave aside you’re pissed off his family have an estate now.

Not really angry more amused because this is the beginning of the end of Boris. I’m glad you’ve googled the story now.

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So you agree he did nothing wrong by looking out for his 4 year old child. Grand.

Putting a 4yr old in a car with a suspected covid 19 positive person. What could go wrong.

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Just seen this. Boris is gone. The last bastion

But the kid would have been with that same person (their parent) in the house had they remained? With the added caveat that their care may have suffered.

Cummins is a nasty piece of work. He is treating society as a big experiment.

Surely has dirt on Boris to kept the dopey cunt under control but the back benchers and civil servants are most likely out for blood.

Getting sacked as an advisor hardly means much.


I think that you are meant to isolate in a seperate room away as much from your family as possible. There are people not attending funerals of loved ones. He has only kept his job because Boris dropped the hand on his wife

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Funerals, dropping the hand etc etc is nothing got to do with the point here. Man seeks help from family for his 4 year old child - outrage. He did nothing wrong in this instance. People are angry about covid restrictions and they should be but the moral outrage in this instance is a nonsense.

Because everyone that has adhered to his guidelines know it’s bullshit.

I thought tassoti said they were flying in England?:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


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His dying uncle was likely a big reason why he went in truth.

I’m guessing he told Johnson and was told he could go and Johnson feels he’s trapped in a hole with him.

Really should have just gone with the childcare/grieving line in the press and he could come back in a few months time.

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He’s not looking for cheap likes.

Its an administration built on lies though. Once you start out like that it’s impossible to go back