NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Fuck the horsey set. Murderers.

Was it late February TFKers were making this point?, a mere three months ago. The first obvious things to do to stop major spread were grounding all international airline travel and stopping large gatherings, and in big cities halting public transport for everyone except essential workers.

Some were. Others were promoting the UK approach of mass slaughter/herd immunity.

The UK approach was likely the best one, their implementation was a shambles. The death rates in similar countries and regions to the UK in terms of population density (France, Italy, Spain, US eastern seaboard) are statistically identical.

The correct approach was to put most resources into isolating the elderly and a massive effort to protect nursing homes from infection. None of this was done, instead we locked up everyone and allowed the virus sweep through nursing homes causing carnage. It’s actually borderline criminal negligence looking back on it.

The swiss can see brazzets and we cant have pints

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The BBC think they’ll be saved

Neswnight have called the tory cabals bluff tonight. Why should the likes of Emily or Goodall back down from a bunch of cheats and liars? Attitude is if its war they want, it is war they shall have. Interesting week or 2 ahead

Jesus, Emily is extremely shagable there

I see the Micks are officially obsessed with Dominic Cummings, while Leo the Lout, swilling tinnies in the park with the lads, is getting an easy ride. We’re like goats; we’re in every man’s garden but our own.


Correct yourself. It was pink gin

Leo Leo Leo

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In fairness to Mick the brits are a lot more obsessed with cumstains. Half the tory MPs want him gone at this stage. The toryboy fanatics infatuation on here is kinda cute though

Charlie would only wear Charvet shirts, and Leo won’t wear a shirt. Why can’t we ever have a happy medium?


Charlie went for the happy medium when he got up on Terry Keane

Exactly, the elected leader of one country is out socialising and flouting guidelines so he can hang out with his pals and drink. Barely a murmur.

An unelected advisor drives with his family to another family property to isolate as they are worried about the care of their children - HANG HIM, the evil tory bastard! He ends up holding a socially distant press conference to explain his family drive. It’s a nonsense.

The Guardian, bbc etc want, no need Cummings head for Brexit, they hate him.

(I don’t think either of them have done anything worth raging over, it’s lockdown curtain twitching and anger at its worst)



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Hi Brendan. You do realise that nearly all of the island of Ireland is independent of Britain and its laws, yes?

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No, now fall back in line you shower of Mick bastards