NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s about the reaction and the differences in reaction from the meejia. It’s absurd. Good article from Brendan there.

In fairness that article is 100pc true. It is a bit strange Leo didn’t get more criticism for it. Especially when the ‘picnic’ rule is so clearly stated.

Eh he’s been getting criticism for it since Sunday, he even had to make a statement

I said more criticism. I havent seen much. Most people think it’s no bother really especially in the media.

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That’s because it’s no bother really.

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I agree and so does yer man writing the article. His point is the Cummings thing, while worse, is similar blatant breaking of a rule but which would cause no obvious harm to anyone else, and he’s being absolutely lambasted for it.

I particularly enjoyed this piece:

Varadkar is every Remoaner’s favourite Brexit-blocker, a man cheered for behaving like a patsy of the EU over the past couple of years. Cummings, on the other hand, is viewed as evil incarnate – the man who helped to deliver Brexit and Boris to Downing St and who, in the process, shattered the dreams of the Remainer elites and the woke left. They loathe him, and their weird, obsessive, creepy focus on where he went during lockdown is transparently an extension of that loathing.

Leo’s team have the media in his back pocket

Leo’s a bit of alright all the same isn’t he?

Man of the people with his bag of cans

Would you agree hes an attractive man?

Hes very putinesque

Ah yes, the meeja, it’s all their fault. O’Neill, if he weren’t a Koch brothers shill would be a screaming Mullally if he had any left leanings at all. The man is a joke.
Be nice to Boris, you plebeian swine. Classic Dom was just being concerned for his kids when he went for a 60 mile drive to test his eyesight to a castle grounds on his wife’s birthday.

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If I can get a rule breaking also Leo face mask like the Dom one them I’m all ears.

To be honest I’d have a problem with Leo’s actions whether or not there was a lockdown.

It isn’t very statesman like to go for cans down the park with the lads, at any time.


Personally I think it’s great that our countrys leader can go in public and drink cans. Along with the president standing in line for an atm. Love him or hate him says a lot about our country that they can go into public on their days off. I personally hate him. I do think it’s very hypocritical giving the finger pointing and government guidance from him over this lockdown.

I don’t love or hate him. He’s just a fella who runs the country.

As I said before, certain liberties are forfeited when you are elected as taoiseach. At no point ever was it a good idea to go for a few cans with the lads, in public, and most certainly not during a crisis.

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I agree timing is shocking. A bit of public decorum is needed when in a public position.

Shur the pub was closed.

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