NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

South Korea gone out of control

More troubling reading for the LIDTF panic merchants.


I think at this stage everyone is cgaf merchant

Would you be able to copy and paste that article here?

I’m too tight to go beyond the paywall


In fairness nobody is going to take an article in the Spectator seriously.


I was more shocked someone posted one, then I saw who did :man_shrugging:

How about local reporting in Norway, or are they not to be trusted either?

You don’t need to read the Spectator article, just look the graph. It’s confirmed by data from other countries, including Ireland. R0 had dropped below 1.0 before lockdowns were put in place.


Anything that can be disputed in the article? The guardian is a lockdown fanatic rag and its posted here regularly.

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The Guardian :rofl:

Ahh I know, shur lookit a couple lads here constantly trying to prove their credentials. Facts be damned.

It’s fascinating the confirmation bias that goes on, anything that contradicts them has to be dispelled, even though it’s coming from the same experts they claim we should be following.

Forget about the facts and data and the head of health in Norway, I’ll get a cheap like for pointing at the Spectator :roll_eyes: That’s what you’re contending with here.


Isn’t it gas how the supposed tolerant lefties, with their love of diversity, are very intolerant of anything that diverges from their own myopic view of the world?

One mild post was all it took there and the 3 muskateers are up in hoops, nice work Fagan


It’s been a hell of a few day’s for rickie

More guess work from the mentallers.

Resorting to spellchecks now too I see

I thought you said we should listen to the experts? Have a look at Camille Stoltenberg’s CV, she’s more qualified than most. An epidemiologist with a medical degree and a doctorate in medicine, and decades of experience. I doubt much of what she says is based on guessing.

What kind of expert should we be listening to?