NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

The schools closing equalled lockdown. Once that was announced the whole thing had started. It was amazing how quickly it all went from 0 to 60 in the greater public consciousness.

I took issue with you repeating over and over that we have dealt with this 11th worst in the world because I don’t believe the stats from some countries and we are talking about a snapshot in time which is changing, often drastically, by the week. I agreed with you that we’ve managed it poorly in some areas but took issue where you said we did well on beds but haven’t curbed the spread well which doesn’t make sense to me but you haven’t addressed it yet and I don’t expect you to now.

Anyway I’m going watching the 3rd episode of that prick Epstein’s documentary so I’ll leave you to it.

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This fake news too then?

Sigh. We did appear to clear hospital beds well, we made a lot of space.

You agreed that the EU 27 is a good comparator for us, right?

We are 7th worst in the EU for deaths per head of population. That is very bad in my view.

We are second worst in Europe for number of cases per head of population. Do you still think we did a good job on curbing the virus?

We are ninth in Europe for number of cases outright. Do you still think we did a good job curbing the spread of the virus?

That’s a completely different image measuring something different

Is it a different shark Ted?

What is our testing percentage versus those other countries.

Any images of how it looked when Spain, Italy and France were regularly recording over 800 deaths per day.

Having detected a high number of cases is not a bad thing.
On a per capita basis the UK appeared to have a low number of cases in the middle of March. How is that working out for them?

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I’d imagine it’d have looked very different

@glasagusban here is a graph of the number of tests carried out per thousand population

Lads surely an isolated, sparsely populated island on the western fringes of Europe should have been able to get a handle on it better than a densely populated country in the heart of Europe. I’d have to agree with glas here. Our handling of this has been completely arse about face in many respects.

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You think our testing regime is streets ahead of the rest of the EU and that explains our I creased numbers? Come off it. Whatever way you try to fiddle about with these numbers we did really really bad. I don’t understand why people cannot understand that, it is there is bald figures in front of you.

Once again, we are not densely populated, we are an island, we are a rich country and we had more time to prepare than more of Europe. We had a lot of advantages over most EU comparators, and still we did worse. It isn’t debatable.

Facemasks to be made mandatory on all public transport in UK

About 3 months too late but shur

Not for a couple of weeks yet either apparently. You couldn’t make it up. Except they are.

1,000 new cases in Sweden today. Fucking hell

Source Worldometer

Was 2214 yesterday

We really can’t say much.