NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Boris and Dom are just pulling it out of their arses.
They don’t give a flying fcuk about individuals.
They care about power, staying in power. Sin e.
Pair of utter cunts.

Moggy needs to sort them out

New Zealand showing how it’s done.

Meanwhile in Sweden they admit they got it wrong.

“If we were to run into the same disease, knowing exactly what we know about it today, I think we would end up doing something in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done,” he told Swedish radio Wednesday in remarks translated by Reuters.

The Haka, simples :man_shrugging:

Trump desperatly trying to gag himself here and failing. ‘What you’re seeing now is the greatest thing that can ever happen’

Be interesting to see what they do to fill the vacuum of tourism to keep their economy going.

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Most countries face a tourism and covid problem. NZ only have to tackle the tourism one.

Fairly big problem for them seen as it’s the biggest sector of their economy.


Instead of making badly informed points about Russia you should ask TASE about Russia you American stooge.
Covid 19 kills a lot of people in their 80s, life expectancy in Russia is 72 so there is absolutely no reason not to believe the figures


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Bigger than agriculture?

Very good

I’m just trying to rise mike, I’m not getting bogged down in facts.

He was called out during the week for being selective on what he bases his stats on. Not surprised you’d be a fan.

1056 cases confirmed in Sweden today and 77 deaths.

Brazil move into 3rd in total deaths.
Who would have thought, Trump, Boris and Bolsanaro would have made a fuck of things.


I’m happy for Sidney.

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By Luke O’Neil?

He recognises his own shortcomings. He just talks maths and big picture.

Sorry mate. Think I was brainwashed by these cunts…

London will be riddled again by Monday

Yes. Don’t believe what you read in a propaganda war