NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

To be fair they are in control if their own money. No doubt it will damage the economy long term. But id guess less so than letting thousands of companies go to the wall.

They will borrow borrow borrow. From the World Bank or maybe the credit union I’d say

The appropriate response for this reporter would have been to punch the orange cunt right in the gob. Pure Goebbels stuff from Trump. He hasn’t a shred of empathy for his own people. The true definition of a traitor.

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The reporter made a mistake. The millions scared is unverifiable and he gave Trump an out.

He should have stuck to facts.

A penny for Fauci’s thoughts about the Trump regime. He knows full well they’re enemies of the people.

I presume that’s sarcasm, it’s always hard to tell when people are talking about Trump.

No, its honesty, he gave the slippery cunt an out. And he took it. Despicable, yes, surprising, no

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Labane do you really not think trump has made a bollix of this? I’ve two friends in NYC in the bar trade who’ve lost their business/jobs. Would previously not have been as anti trump as most in Ireland but they feel the handling of this is an absolute clusterfuck. Bar the swift act of closing the borders everything he said on it seems to make it worse.

This will kill any buffer they had to fight brexit. Zero leverage now. Cap in hand borrowing money from all over and pleading for trade deals at the same time…and an almost certain period of political infighting about the handling of the crisis

Em, millions are scared.

I find it truly baffling how people try to look for anything to give Trump a pass.

Trump is scum and has not a shred of empathy for his people. The US media has been shamefully lenient on him at every stage of this mess, and by mess I mean since June 2015.

Actually, scratch that, you can go back many years when the media cultivated him.

To say the least. He is spending like bejusus and can’t get ppe to nurses

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I’m not giving him a pass mate. It was a despicable cowardly answer. Not surprising.

That’s how people will defend it. You cant verify millions are scared. He’s a slippery cunt

People are losing their jobs all over the world, is that also Trump’s fault? They would have lost their business/jobs with or without Trump. Trump talked about this like an idiot at first and has been steadily getting better, but what Trump says has virtually no effect on this disease. The only thing that effects it is the actions being taken to slow it down. It entered the US in January and has been spreading like wildfire. If everything was shut down at the end of January, your mates would have lost their jobs six weeks ago.

When did any country outside of Asia start to take actions against it’s spread? Then only way to stop it was stopping all travel and initiate lockdowns immediately when we knew about it, which was in late January. In reality nobody started to act until the WHO announced a pandemic almost 2 months too late.

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You can’t “verify” millions were scared during World War II or during 9/11 so.

Anybody who defends Trump is a sociopath.

Forget all the other bits they have nothing to do with trump you’re right. Trump is the president and has a role. His public utterances are a massive part of this role. Do you think he has made a complete cunt of himself on this issue? It definitely seems to me he has.

You just called people who are taking the threat of this disease seriously “irresponsible”.

How are they irresponsible?

And how is calling the virus a hoax not irresponsible?

Ok bud. Theres no metric for fear.

Im agreeing with you here by the way. I’m not defending Trump.

Trump has a poisonous relationship with some in the media. In all honestly it’s hard to blame him, there are elements in the US media who see themselves as the resistance and have frequently reported falsehoods and outright lies to try and undermine him. They are not media, they are simply lying cunts.

Most of the media are reporting on this crisis, however there are some despicable cunts who are only interested in trying to score points. A bit like here.


He wasnt trying to score points. He wanted the president to give a message of hope to the people. He failed.

That was a dreadful display

A leader is there to provide leadership. Varadkar, whatever you think of him, has done that.

Trump has turned his “briefings” into racist rallies. The facial reactions of the CDC guy Fauci behind him are a sight to behold.

Trump should resign now.