NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Trump is an absolutely woeful communicator, especially when speaking off the cuff. Literally nobody in the US takes what he says literally, they either ignore him or try and figure out what he is actually trying to say. As far as the press conferences, I listen to the experts and pay little attention to Trump. At least he is holding daily press conferences and by and large the information from the experts has been good.

He is also the elected president, so you either respect democracy or not, especially at a time like this. I would prefer to be as positive as possible and expect the US government will make the right decisions to fight this outbreak. They got off to a slow start, but things have really picked up now at federal and state level.

Brexit will seem like a little inconvenience for them in about 15 days time


Christ, he’s back to the sort of nonsense now that arseholes from tabloid newspapers said in November 2016 to try and make themselves look smart. They weren’t smart then and they aren’t smart now.

FFS you clearly are paying no attention due to TDS. There are several reporters in every daily press conference whose only aim is to score points. How many of them have you watched the whole way through?

Trump was far too positive and hopeful at the beginning, now he’s not hopeful enough. What do you want him to say, we are all fucked?

By and large the daily press conferences are very valuable, if people can get past their hate for Trump.

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Definitely think himself and Boris playing it down at start will prove disastrous. Very tough to get thickos to change their mind when that’s what you said at start. Also their arrogance means even tho they know they were completely wrong by now they won’t admit they were fully wrong thereby making it worse. Public perception of this problem is almost uniquely important in solving it. People need to be on board unlike almost anything else I can think of. We’re getting there in Ireland

It would, if they meant it.
Wait til the small print comes out.
Most of the money will be in the form of loans. Anyone availing of it had best do their sums.


Exactly…but it isn’t. It makes finding an economic solution at the end of this a lot harder.

Exactly right.

Boris listened to one set of experts who advised him to go for herd immunity. Trump listened to nobody at first, but was the first or one of the first to ban travel from China. Banning travel from China was a huge action in the US and highly unpopular at the time.

You’re not getting there in Ireland no more than we are. It will take a complete lockdown with the army on the streets to keep people indoors.

Do you really think the cunts here out in the parks and ignoring all warnings listen to Trump?

Trumps travel ban on Chi-na was more to do with overt racism than anything about saving lives. He has been badly exposed as the charlatan he is throughout this crisis

We are definitely getting there in Ireland. There are issues no doubt but vast vast majority of people are towing the line and doing as much as they can to limit risk and help the cause


Start a Trump Derangement Syndrome thread mate and stop clogging up this serious thread with your utter horseshit.

The only way to stop a pandemic emerging is to stop all human travel from the point of origin. If China had locked down Wuhan when they knew it was a SARS type outbreak on January 1, there would have been limited spread. As it is they allowed 5 million leave Wuhan before January 23, and hundreds of millions travel for Chinese New Year.

If the WHO had been doing their job properly they would have gone to Wuhan on January 1 when they also knew this was a SARS virus, they eventually went on January 21, and declared a pandemic on March 11, by which time it was all over the globe.

If the world had been alerted in early January as it should have been, all travel to and from China should have been halted. This outbreak would have had limited spread and been over in a few months instead of what we have now.

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So there’s no young people in groups out in the streets and parks, who are the greatest spreaders?

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You are becoming more and more like Trump each passing day

The basic reqirement of a leader is to tell the truth. He’s squarely incapable of that. There is scarcely a more unsuitable person on the planet for the position he’s in.

There is. But id say probably less than 20k from a population of 4m. The country is talking about nowt else. The awareness of this threat is unreal. The country has rowed in behind the government. The top medics are household names.

Things could be a lot lot worse pal


The man is a grade A cunt.

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That 20k could infect everyone else though. Anyway, I agree Ireland is doing a good job but will likely have to step it up for a week or two.

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I’m voting for Joe Biden in November pal.
Who are you voting for?

The o Irish realised it was serious when they shut the pubs.