NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

They’re going to stay at home in protest until the pubs reopen.

Gan dabht

Is it because of your feud with Jackie/sid you’re being so obtuse? Very strange behaviour if so. Just admit trump has made a fuck of it. Nobody will think you’ve lost face and even if they do you don’t know them. Your foe is just an anonymous poster on an Internet board. Your obsession with each other is really really strange for two obviously intelligent grown men.

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Tuning into the superb Rachel Maddow now @Massey

A great chance to watch for anybody interested - she’s usually on at 2am but is at 1am until the clocks go back next week.

If one of us was a woman/gay we’d be hate fucking each other.

Actually both of us would have to be gay in that case, come to think of it.

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Thankfullly we have @Tank and his mad Italian on/off girlfriend* to titillate us instead.

*Who I imagine looks like Gina Lollobrigida.

Bloody Deep State virus, it was a conspiracy all along.


I don’t talk to Jackie/Sid, I have him on ignore. There are lots of highly intelligent people who see the world in black and white. I’m actually not that intelligent, but I have an open mind to not just follow a Twitter herd like Sid does. In fact I would say IQ wise he is far smarter than I am, but totally locked into ideology.

Trump is definitely the wrong man at the top for this crisis, but he is the man at the top. Other than the nonsense he comes up with, how has he made a fuck of it? You’re assuming he’s doing anything to fight this. He is doing no more than any global leader is, no more than Leo, Boris, Macron, etc. They are doing essentially nothing that is vital, other than listening to the experts and communicating (in his case trying) decisions on a daily basis. The problem with Trump Derangement Syndrome is those afflicted cannot give him credit even when he does something good, like stopping travel from China. Have you noticed people can’t give him credit for that, the same people saying Ireland should have blocked travel from Italy.

Do you understand the scale of this in America, a population of 330 million with clusters like NY, SF bay area and LA that have 10 million people like London. The virus had already spread to thousands before anyone reacted, we are playing catch up. It will be absolutely brutal for the next few months, but the US is getting on top of this and will do the right things to overcome it… and Sid will be really angry when they do, as deep down he is hoping for mass casualties to show how right he is.

There is no right and wrong in this. It’s far too early to claim any truths, things are unfolding and we just have to trust the lads in charge to do the right things. What’s the alternative, revolution?


So other than everything he says, he’s doing alright? Procuring tests? He was late with that. Focusing on the fact that it came from China to whip up some racist furore? A bizarre diversionary tactic. He did ban flights, fair play to him, but everything else he said downplayed it and made people think it wasn’t serious. America, unfortunately will pay for that attitude with deaths.


Christ almighty July.

Do you think Trump was in charge of procuring tests? The CDC who are the finest in the world, were caught on the back foot on tests. Why? Because nobody expected a pandemic like this, and the test has to be specific. This after the fact focus on the testing failure is meaningless, as no western country was ready to do testing like Singapore for example, as they had prepared after SARS. The country that contained it best was Korea who had a total ban on travel and started isolating people early.

People are essentially blaming him for all failures of the US government, at all levels, even though this is an unprecedented crisis. At the beginning he did downplay it, but based on ignorance, no one had any idea how much it had spread by then. There were a handful of cases when he held his first press conference. In fairness to the man he’s holding press conferences every day and taking constant pot shots from female Sids.

It’s easy be a Monday morning quarterback, which is exactly what you are doing. Were you calling for a travel ban and lockdown in Ireland in mid February? which is what had to happen to make any difference? Community spreading in Ireland went on from mid February to now.

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He has royally fucked up. Admit it and move on

Ah come on. The Monday morning quarterback thing is a lovely phrase but it’s bollocks really.
He fired a load of his pandemic team and stripped funding. I’d say that certainly hampered their efforts wouldnt you? His job is to be the leader, to push the issue and make sure people are all focussed on it. He did the opposite and downplayed it, even called it a hoax. He politicised it and is making it a race issue for his own personal gain.
And are you honestly asking whether I should have known more about this than trump in late February?


Yeah, too bad he wasn’t president of Italy, he would have been responsible for 3,500 deaths.
Oh wait.

Is anyone here arguing that Italy have done a good job?

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The president of italy didnt call it a hoax or tell the people there would be a miracle cure.

That’s your president.

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Trump didn’t call the virus a hoax. Not even CNN can confirm that of him. He was referring to the Democrats criticism of his Government’s response as their new ‘hoax’.

Lot’s of stuff to criticize him about (and there’s a lot in that article) but the narrartive that he called the disease a hoax is load of bollox. An easy one for the Trump derangement lads to get worked up about.

Why are you believing the Sid nonsense that he reads on Twitter?

There has been no cuts to the CDC, their funding is set by congress and has increased every year. Their mistake was not being prepared for a return of SARS, a mistake going back to 2003. Nobody was prepared July, and it’s a disgrace the US wasn’t prepared for a pandemic, but that’s on the CDC who have an enormous budget.

He didn’t call it a hoax, at one of his rallies he said Democrats attacking him was for the CDC failures was a hoax. Throwing meat to his base, but they all do that. Biden claimed the CDC funding was cut when he knew that was a lie (maybe?). Who in the western world was taking it seriously in early February? Nobody is the answer, as nobody knew enough to take it seriously. By failing to act in early February, the chain of events were set in motion that brings us to today.

He is a buffoon, and can’t help his defects, but for all his failings he is supporting those making the right recommendations for the crisis we are in.

Grand I’ll admit I’m wrong there , he said there be a miracle cure and one day this will just go away,.didnt he